Wednesday 8 April 2020


Typical British Bobbie, always ready with a cheery smile, a cheeky remark, and a bullet in the back of the head for sunbathing without a licence.

After reports of people being arrested and fined for perfectly harmless actions, an increasing number of Brits are starting to resent the way that British police are enforcing the coronavirus shutdown. 

A YouGov poll asked 1,646 adults between the 3rd and 5th of April for their views on the police's handling of the new laws and government guidance to keep people indoors and slow the spread of COVID-19.

The poll found that 32% "generally support" the police's approach, but felt they had "gone too far" in some cases. Another 6% felt their whole approach was too heavy-handed; while another 2% thought the police should have no role in enforcing the Covid-19 lockdown. 

Some citizens, however, were keen to signal to their new masters how slavish and compliant they were, with around 14% saying that the new British NHS Police State should take even tougher action.

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