Wednesday 8 April 2020


We are now at the stage where both the optimistic and pessimistic models of the virus seem to have been discredited, and everyone is still guessing. There are claims that coronavirus deaths are being undercounted, while elsewhere "died from coronavirus vs. died with coronavirus" is becoming an issue. 

Nobody knows what's going on in China, as their figures are unreliable. In some of the worst affected countries -- Italy and Spain -- the rate of increase appears to be slowing down, after both countries shut down much of their economies and severely limited people's freedom. 

In Britain too, the curve was blunting, but then shot up today with a sharp increase of +938 -- possibly in sympathy with Boris Johnson going into intensive care, where the latest news is that he is improving. South Asians are being badly affected. There are several possible explanations, but an additional one could be the fact that many South Asians are actually employed in Britain's National Health Service

In America, New York is doing badly but not as badly as expected. The giant hospital ship sent by the Federal government is still largely empty. Predictably the differences in infection and death rates between different groups is becoming an issue, with non-Whites suffering more. Less talked about is the fact that men are dying at a much higher rate than women.

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