Wednesday 29 May 2019


The latest Alt-Right meme attacking sportswear company Nike looks like it is a totally fake. 

Wow, I'm shocked! 

The image -- tweeted here -- presents a White woman kissing a Black person (male or female is not clear) with the jaded slogan "Just Do It." This then allows the peanut gallery to make the following cracks:

"Nike pushing single motherhood"

"I didn't know Nike sold AIDs"

And post images like this:

However, a quick reverse image search reveals that the meme only has two sources on the internet, namely a normie Instagram account and the Nazi-signalling Alt-Right account pushing it on Twitter -- The Absolute State of Britain, which is linked to some podcast.

How likely is it that this would be the only result if this was an actual Nike ad? Yes, zero!

Nike is of course a vile company that promotes a brand that is predicated on sweatshop Asian labour and a White inferiority complex fuelled by America's sporting caste system, so, maybe they deserve all the troll attacks they get. 

But just so you know, this is yet another piece of "fake news" by the Alt-Right, a movement that has a earned an unenviable reputation for mixing lies with truth. 

Check out:

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