Sunday 2 June 2019


A strange entity -- half composed of plastic and half (de)composed of mouldy human flesh (much of it relocated from her skanky ass) -- has offered yet another ridiculous opinion on President Trump.

This time the Plastic Face Thing is claiming that the gay-supporting President is secretly planning to arrest all gays, place them in concentration camps, and exterminate them.

The creature, which is sometimes known by the meaningless syllable "Cher" and tends to melt in high temperatures, decided to express its ludicrous paranoid fears because it used to be a pop star and has one of the most severe cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome ever.

Using a mixture of human speech and emojis, the creature tweeted the following nonsense to its Boomer audience:

It seems that the Thing was reacting to the news that Trump was the first President to recognise "the Gays" by acknowledging LGBTQ Pride month. 

Sadly, the news posed a direct threat to the half-melted creature's distorted world view, forcing it to spew an obviously insane conspiracy theory.

Fans of the Plastic Face Thing responded by burning her records to create likenesses of her face in melted plastic.


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