Tuesday 28 May 2019


Jeffrey Zucker holding up 17 fingers.
The remaining liars who work at CNN will have to lie even harder to meet targets as the major fake news channel continued firing many of its lying staff to cut costs.

As reported by PJ Media:

CNN is planning to cut up to 300 jobs, "many being older employees with years at the network," according to a report on Monday.

According to FTVLive, a website that monitors the television industry, "Word is that just under 200 people will be pink slipped and just over 100 will be offered a buyout." Staffers are reportedly calling the cuts a "massive brain drain" because so many veteran employees are being given pink slips.

The website obtained an email that Tony Maddox, the executive vice president and managing director of CNN International, shared with staff announcing his departure...

The cuts come on the heels of devastating April ratings for CNN, with the lowest number of total viewers in five years. The network's prime-time lineup plummeted 26 percent in April compared to the same month last year. CNN's total audience in prime time was a pathetic 767,000. Compare that to Fox News, with 2.395 million viewers and third-place MSNBC with 1.660 million.

The loss of staff will place intense demands on remaining staffers, forcing them to lie so much that their lying glands might shrivel or even burst. 

One way round this is to rely increasingly on sheer ignorance by replacing highly-skilled expert liars with mere uneducated morons with little knowledge of a subject. The idea is that they will then just lie unwittingly and with relative ease through not understanding their subjects.

The sacking of CNN’s Health Unit seems to be a case in point. On Friday Fox News reported:

"Sanjay Gupta is safe but much of the rest of CNN’s Atlanta-based staff that covers health care found out Tuesday they are getting pink slips -- only a few weeks after the network called mass layoffs a "crazy rumor."

Specific details were not yet known, but a source told Fox News that “basically the whole division” will lose their jobs.

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