Tuesday 23 April 2019


Maybe destroying the Islamic Caliphate in Syria and Iraq wasn't such a good idea. As the Sri Lankan bombing suggests, many of the so-called "foreign fighters," who fought for Islamist groups in the Middle East, have now returned home,  bringing their battle-hardened attitude and hate-filled ideology with them.

According to Alexander Bortnikov, the Director of Russia’s Federal Security Service, around 1,500 such terrorists -- men who fought for ISIS and Al Qaeda in the Middle East for several years -- have now returned home to Europe:

"Some 1,500 out of 5,000 terrorists have arrived in the European Union from the Middle East, according to experts’ estimates" Bortnikov told a conference organized by the Commonwealth of Independent States. "A significant number of them are gunmen, who have been sent by chieftains to Europe to continue terrorist attacks." 

The Commonwealth of Independent States is an intergovernmental organization made up of ten post-Soviet republics. 

Alexander Bortnikov
Bortnikov pointed out that despite military defeat on the battleground, these ISIS and Al Qaeda fighters have retained their organisation and have gained in motivation.

"They managed to operate their forces based on a network principle," Bortnikov pointed out. "Interconnected and autonomous cells spread from the Middle East to Europe, Central and South East Asia, and major militant groups go deep into the African continent, in particular to Libya." 

Some analysts have compared the situation to a "terrorist diaspora," with terrorists spreading far and wide to "soft target" and "target rich" environments. 

Security forces in the West will be stretched to breaking point in the months and years ahead, as these angry returnees seek violent revenge against the West and its allies.

Strangely, mainstream media sources in the countries that will be directly impacted by this terrorist influx have been extremely reluctant to talk about it.  

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