Tuesday 23 April 2019


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Calm down, everybody, especially all you bigots hating on the Muslims. It seems that the terrible terrorist attack in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which killed 310 people and injured around 500 the other day, was actually just an innocent act of retaliation for something bad a White guy did. 

As reported by CBS:

ISIS claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the Easter Sunday suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, as an official in the country said the preliminary investigation into the attacks showed it was "retaliation" for the massacre of Muslims at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The coordinated bombings on Sunday, targeting churches and hotels in and around the Sri Lankan capital, killed more than 320 people.

"The preliminary investigations have revealed that what happened in Sri Lanka was in retaliation for the attack against Muslims in Christchurch," state minister of defence Ruwan Wijewardene told parliament. It was unclear what Wijewardene based his assessment on, and later on Tuesday Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was more guarded, saying it was "possible" there was a connection between the two attacks.

Fifty people were killed in shooting attacks on two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch on March 15. An Australian white supremacist is accused of carrying out the attack on his own, and streaming his acts on Facebook.

This is great news! Now that the terrorists have given the reason for the attack, which ripped apart "Easter worshippers" and Western tourists, we can now all take a deep breath and relax, confident and secure in the knowledge that the attack was not unprovoked.

Also, the fact that a White guy was ultimately responsible for killing all those Christians and Western tourists, instead of the people who actually set off the bombs, means that the mainstream narrative that non-Whites and Muslims are totally virtuous all the time, while White people are pretty much evil most of the time, is totally intact! Fantastic!

I mean, our wonderful vibrant, multiracial societies just couldn't survive if that narrative was so much as bruised, dented, or scratched.

Thanks for the heads up, ISIS.

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