Wednesday 24 April 2019


The Eco-Cult
Greta Thunberg, the weird-looking, Swedish, sixteen-year-old-going-on-eleven "eco-child" being used by the Global Establishment to push ecologically-themed anarcho-tyranny onto gullible White people, has been in the UK with her cringy brand of environmental hysteria.

There is just one problem, the British Industrial Revolution, with its enormous outputs of smoke, filth, and pollution, ended more than a century ago. 

In fact, apart from having way too many immigrants, leading to overcrowding, the UK is now a largely green, post-industrial country, and among the most environmentally-friendly places on the planet. 

But that didn't stop this potato with pig-tails from being rolled out in the UK this week like an extra from "The Village of the Damned" to gin up environmental hysteria -- with the full support of the political establishment as well as blanket coverage from the mass media. 

She was even allowed to give a speech to Parliament. As reported by the BBC, which, of course, was totally on board with her schtick:

In a speech to MPs, the Swedish 16-year-old criticised the UK for supporting new exploitation of fossil fuels and exaggerating cuts to carbon emissions.

She was invited to Westminster after inspiring the school climate strikes movement.

In her speech in Parliament on Tuesday, Miss Thunberg said the UK was supporting shale gas fracking, greater exploitation of North Sea oil and gas fields and expanding airports.

"This ongoing irresponsible behaviour will no doubt be remembered in history as one of the greatest failures of humankind," she said.

She also described the UK's carbon emissions reduction as the result of "very creative" accounting.

Obviously, this demented creature is not going to be happy until all British people are living in caves, dressing in bits of mud, and eating uncooked human flesh garnished with bat droppings.

But oddly, for someone SO concerned about carbon emissions, she has been really reluctant to go any place in the World where REAL pollution is actually happening. Maybe she should visit one of these places:

Unfortunately for Greta and her shadowy handlers, not a single one of these totally polluted cities have a population of easily guilt-tripped and manipulable middle-class White people to fall at her feet.  

Look at this pie chart and see if you can even find Britain's share of global carbon emissions. It's pretty hard as it's so tiny you might miss it. 

Unlike China's!

And what about the Oceans? I wonder who's dumping their crap there -- and is therefore in need of a preachy, little visit from Greta and her spergy media circus?

Fucking China AGAIN

When are you booking your ticket there, Greta? 

Yes, we know -- NEVER -- because you and your handlers are just vile, little, psychic vampires that feed on the basic decency and altruism of well-intentioned White people, who actually care about the planet and have already taken steps to improve things. Meanwhile China continues to strip mine the Earth, build hundreds of coal-fuelled power stations, and use the electricity to create more megacities full of the crassest consumerism.

You, Greta, it seems, are the real pollution.

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