Wednesday 24 April 2019


Marine Le Pen, the leader of National Rally (formerly The National Front), has changed her party's longstanding policy on the EU. 

Instead of advocating leaving the EU (Frexit), she is now in favour of France staying in the EU. This is because nationalist and anti-globalist parties like Le Pen's National Rally are doing extremely well all over Europe, raising the possibility that they will make enormous gains in next month's European Parliamentary Elections that will allow them to seize control of the European Parliament

The hope is that the EU, instead of being a tool of the globalists and leftists, can be "re-purposed" to serve the interests of the various European peoples. 

As reported by French news site France Inter:

The National Rally publishes this Monday (15th April) its project for the European elections, accompanied by a long manifesto. For the first time in black and white, Marine Le Pen does not mention exiting the European Union and the euro zone. She wants to reassure her electorate, appear more credible, and more eco-friendly.

It looks like a revolution. In these elections the National Rally (former National Front) is abandoning Frexit and the idea of leaving the Euro Zone, which was the cornerstone of their campaigns in the 2014 European elections and 2017 presidential election.

"We learned from our mistakes," said a party executive. "We were missing a real, solid European policy: here it is!"

The plan now is "in-depth reform" of the European institutions from the inside. The National Rally would like to transform the Brussels Commission into a simple secretariat "without legislative power." And by reforming the treaties, the National Rally would like to turn the EU into a "European Alliance of Nations," a coordinating body where every country would do what it wants on social, fiscal, agricultural, security and international issues."

Le Pen emphasised these new policies at a gathering of her supporters on Saturday (13th April) preparing for the European elections. She said that her platform would be to "look to change the EU from within." 

She also spoke of a possible alliance between three right-wing or right-leaning Blocs in the European Parliament, namely the Europe of Nations and Freedom Bloc, the European Conservatives and Reformers Bloc, and the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Bloc

The Europe of Nations and Freedom Bloc includes Le Pen's party, the Italian Lega, and the Austrian Freedom Party. The  European Conservatives and Reformers Bloc is currently dominated by the British Conservative party and Poland’s governing Law and Justice Party, while the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Bloc includes Germany’s Alternative for Germany, Britain’s UKIP, and the Five Star movement in Italy.

Aligning these three blocs would make it possible for the Right to dominate the EU Parliament from May onwards.

According to a recent Harris opinion poll, Le Pen's National Rally is expected to make big gains and boost its representation. The party is now in second place, with 21% of the intended vote, just behind President Macron's Republic On The Move Party, on 23.5%.

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