Sunday 28 April 2019


The Alt-Right now has more blood on its hands, after filling a young, stupid Zoomer with its trademark obsessive Jew hatred and sending him to shoot up a synagogue in which, miraculously, only one woman died.

While there was still some room to deny Alt-Right inspiration in the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting and the Mosque Massacre in Christchurch, this latest attack is undeniably the work of a typical Alt-Righter, who reads Andrew Anglin's articles on the (((Daily Stormer))) or chuckles along to (((Mike Enoch)))'s edgy takes on (((The Daily Shoah))) podcast. 

The killer, 19-year-old John Earnest, walked into the Chabad of Poway synagogue in California with an "AR-type assault weapon" and opened fire, wounding four people, including the Rabbi and a woman who later died. This is a mercifully low kill count, the reasons for which I will return to later in this article.

As in the case of Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant, Earnest released a lengthy "manifesto," explaining his reasons for the attack in detail and including lots of Alt-Right tropes.

While Tarrant's attack fell into the broader category of "counter-jihad terrorism," something that is not specifically identified with the Alt-Right. Earnest's attack specifically attacked Jews, making it clear that this was an act of pure Alt-Right terrorism. 

Earnest's manifesto also makes it clear that he is a typical and specifically Alt-Right person:

“I did not want to have to kill Jews," he writes in a style that could have come straight from The Daily Shoah podcast or a Daily Stormer article. "But they have given us no other option. I’m just a normal dude who wanted to have a family, help and heal people, and play piano. But the Jew—with his genocidal instincts—is insistent on poking the bear until it tears his head off. The Jew has forced our hand, and our response is completely justified. My God does not take kindly to the destruction of His creation. Especially one of the most beautiful, intelligent, and innovative races that He has created. Least of all at the hands of one of the most ugly, sinful, deceitful, cursed, and corrupt. My God understands why I did what I did."


"Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously. Their crimes are endless. For lying and deceiving the public through their exorbitant role in news media; for using usury and banks to enslave nations in debt and control all finances for the purpose of funding evil; for their role in starting wars on a foundation of lies which have costed millions of lives throughout history."

Hello, paging (((Mike Enoch))) and Greg Johnon!

According to his manifesto, Earnest hopes that his actions will provoke a Federal ban on firearms, leading to an uprising by MAGAtard gun owners and a revolution that will lead to the overthrow of "Jewish power" and "The Day of the Rope."

But in addition to the anti-Jew obsessiveness so typical of Alt-Righters, Earnest also shares some other salient Alt-Right characteristics. In particular he appears to have personal issues with his own racial identity and may also have sexual identity issues. 

In his manifesto he boasts of his racial pedigree:

"My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry. The blood that runs in my veins is the same that ran through the English, Nordic, and Irish men of old. I am a descendant of one of the original colonists of Roanoke—John Earnest."

But then he ruins it all by looking like a f**king Hapa, LOL. In fact, he looks even more Hapa than notorious Hapa incel killer Elliot Rodgers.

Earnest is clearly less "racially pure" than he would like to be. This is a common characteristic of many of the most virulent Alt-Righters, including most of the people at The Right Stuff and the Daily Stormer -- e.g. (((Mike Enoch))), Jesse Dunstan, Alex McNabb, Ghoul, Striker, Andrew Anglin, and (((Weev))).

Sub-optimal Whiteness: a "swarthy" Jesse
Dunstan from TRS with his Chinese wife.
This comparative lack of Whiteness is to be considered an "accelerant" of their obsessive Jew hatred.

Also, Earnest may well have sexual identity issues. After all, what healthy, hetrosexual 19-year-old wants to be banged up in jail for the rest of his life with a load of buttfuckers? Then there is the awkward fact that he was studying to be a nurse, a job that is traditionally associated with the female gender.

Also, how "macho" is it to walk into a synagogue with an "AR-type assault weapon" and genocide on your mind and then only kill one member of the congregation? Evil as Earnest's action was, it was clearly sub-optimally masculine. 

This sexual identity confusion is another common characteristic of many of the most virulent Alt-Righters, including Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Andrew Anglin, Ghoul, Millennial Woes, and Jim Goad, many of whom are known or suspected to be gay. This too is to be considered an "accelerant" of their obsessive Jew hatred, as homosexuality and Naziism are known to have a long association.

The Alt-Right is clearly a dangerous and radicalising influence on the increasingly large number of confused young men being produced by our chaotic, multicultural, and genderfluid societies. Expect many more of these tragedies, which will of course be used by the Left and the Establishment to push down sensible White nationalism and identitarianism. If you still support the Alt-Right, you probably hate White people more than you know. 

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  1. Colin Liddell is a butt boy.

    1. Do you mean he is good at kicking butts?

  2. This is fucking retarded.

    1. Yes, noticing patterns is retarded. You seem to be an expert on retardedness lol.


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