Sunday 28 April 2019


Former Vice President Joe Biden, who recently launched his  Presidential bid to a fanfare of disinterest, has been caught out making disparaging remarks about Millennials after an interview from last year resurfaced in several news sources. 

In the interview, Biden, 76, mocked the misery of Millennials from the heights of his Boomer privilege.

“The younger generation now tells me how tough things are—give me a break,” Biden told  the Los Angeles Times. “No, no, I have no empathy for it, give me a break.”

Biden also boasted that his generation of Boomers was the most based because they did civil rights and women’s lib, while losing the Vietnam War.

“Here’s the deal, guys. We decided we were going to change the world, and we did.”

In the interview Biden failed to address the fact that Millennials now earn 20 percent less than Boomers at the same age, while healthcare, housing, and education are more than five times more expensive. This means that most Millennials are burdened with crushing debt, unable to own their own homes, and forced to pay rent or humiliatingly live with their parents. 

Although the interview seems damaging to Biden's campaign, it was probably flagged up by his own team because Biden has rightly surmised that winning the Boomer vote is the key to the Democratic Party nomination, which is traditionally decided by Boomer Super Delegates. Also, Democratic Millennials are going to support Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke, and Tulsi Gabbard anyway, so Biden may as well piss gallons on them.

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