Monday 8 April 2019


This was just LARPing, but now the Brits are serious.

Who could have predicted it? After two years being dicked around by the MPs they elected to represent them, the British people have apparently lost their faith in parliamentary democracy and are now on the lookout for a Fascist strongman who will crush Parliament and finally get things done. At least according to the findings of the Hansard Society, a nebulous establishment NGO.

Since 2003, the Society has been monitoring "political engagement" in the UK by polling people's attitudes, and now it claims that it has detected a strong swing in favour of authoritarian populist rule among the UK populace.

As reported by the Guardian:

The UK public is increasingly disenchanted with MPs and government and ever more willing to welcome the idea of authoritarian leaders who would ignore parliament, a long-running survey of attitudes to politics has shown.

Amid the Brexit chaos, overall public faith in the political system has reached a nadir not previously seen in the 16-year history of the Hansard Society’s audit of political engagement, lower even than at the depths of the crisis over MPs’ expenses.

Almost three-quarters of those asked said the system of governance needed significant improvement, and other attitudes emerged that “challenge core tenets of our democracy”, the audit’s authors stated.

The study, compiled annually by the democracy charity, found that when people were asked whether “Britain needs a strong ruler willing to break the rules”, 54% agreed and only 23% said no.

In all, 42% of respondents agreed with the idea that many national problems could be dealt with more effectively “if the government didn’t have to worry so much about votes in parliament”.

So, it seems that the Brexit balls-up has had an upside in the rise of a revolutionary spirit. Maybe if they keep doing what they are doing, the Brit masses will finally rise up and start decorating the lamp posts with ex-politicians. The Hansard Society clearly think so and is deeply worried.

Ruth Fox, the director of the Society, said:

The public feel strongly that the system of governing favours the rich and powerful and that political parties don’t care about the average person. And people are not confident that politicians act in the public interest. Unless something changes, this is a potentially toxic recipe for the future of British politics.”

Either do what the people want or face the consequences. Looks like whatever they do, the establishment will lose.

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1 comment:

  1. My initial reaction to this is just a wide skull-like grin


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