Monday 8 April 2019


As the injunction takes effect, Trump's face is expected
 to be the first part of his corporeal presence to disappear.

A federal judge in California on Monday issued an injunction blocking President Trump from actually existing. 

The preliminary injunction on the "corporeal incarnation and fleshly existence" of the 45th President is nationwide, which means that to actually exist in a legal sense, Trump will have to board a plane and exit US airspace before the injunction goes into effect on April 12.

The ruling is the latest in a long list of "lawfare" strikes by activist judges working for the Deep State against Trump, and is believed to be the biggest blow to the administration since J.K.Rowling told her Twitter followers that Trump had "always been the gay."

While earlier legal attacks on Trump's administration had only dealt with minor policy details, such as his so-called "Muslim ban," this is the first legal ruling that cuts to the heart of the problem for liberals and Leftists, the simple fact that Trump actually exists.

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