Sunday 7 April 2019


It's really sad when love turns to hate, but that is exactly what has happened with the Alt-Right's rather childish infatuation with Donald Trump. The adoration of the "God Emperor" of 2016 has now changed into a virulent hatred of all things "Blumpf" in 2019, even though Trump has always been Trump.

The latest example of how extreme and "emotionally incontinent" the Alt-Right has become -- as it shrivels to total insignificance -- is the latest episode of "Murdoch Murdoch," where the President of the United States is depicted as the wank sock of Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.

In the latest episode, called "Face the Strange," which you can scour the internet for yourself (links tend to disappear), the character of Dr. Murdoch attempts to get off the Trump Train only to find that the train is being controlled by Jared Kushner and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump is then depicted as a Blumpf meme sock puppet moronically begging for "Jew-Jew cum." 

Finally in a disgusting scene, Jared Kushner then wanks off into the Trump sock puppet to reward it for being a "good goy."

Yeh, I wonder who could be behind Nazi-signalling shit like this?
Everything in this episode demonstrates exactly why the Alt-Right failed -- the toilet humour, the constant naval gazing, the refusal to take responsibility, the ridiculous over-emphasis on the JQ, the constant conflation of White interests with Naziisim and terrorism, and the parasitic infantilism of Millennials and Zoomers who constantly hope for some godlike saviour to do all the heavy lifting for them.

Remember, if you're still laughing at "Murdoch Murdoch" cartoons in the current year, then you are just laughing at your own failure, impotence, and future irrelevance.

Those wishing to know more may care to read Colin Liddell's excellent article "The Parasite Politics of the Alt-Right." 

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1 comment:

  1. I watched the video where the Jared Kushner character performs an obscene act with his sock puppet. But it's not a sock puppet of Donald Trump, but one of Richard Spencer. Furthermore, Murdoch Murdoch deserves credit for creating the world's first "suck puppet".


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