Monday 11 March 2019


Alex McNabb of the TDS podcast, famous for its frequent use of K-words and N-words, has finally been fired. This comes a couple of weeks after a state health department investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing, following a hit piece in the Huffington Post.

The problem for McNabb this time was that the other members of the emergency medical team he worked for, the JEB Stuart Volunteer Rescue Squad, decided to vote him out to counter "negative perceptions" from the public.

As reported by 10 News:  

The JEB Stuart Volunteer Rescue Squad voted unanimously Sunday to terminate Alex McNabb. Board members said they did not want people in the community to doubt the intentions of those tasked with saving the lives of others, according to Wren Williams, the squad’s attorney.

“It's our job to look out for the members of our community and we never wanted a member of our community to think that they might be mistreated or discriminated against,” he said.

Williams added that board members wouldn’t want anyone to decide not to call the rescue squad in the event of an emergency out of a fear that someone may show up who would mistreat them.

Earlier this month, McNabb was cleared by the Virginia Department of Health, which said its investigation showed there were no violations of EMS regulations. McNabb was placed on unpaid leave in December after his comments surfaced.

McNabb is now thought to be considering legal action for a breach of his First Amendment rights. But that would be a risky strategy, especially for someone who has just lost his source of income.


  1. he should have remained anonymous

  2. WTF is with those African nigster boola-boola earrings the Nabster is wearing? You mean someone like HIM is speaking on behalf of whites? Well, not me he ain't! What scummy scumsters these "alt-right" McNabbers are using!!!

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