Friday 15 March 2019


About to do "the bad thing" that comes out of 
"the good thing."
The world and its esteemed leaders were shocked to their core yesterday (Friday 15th March) when diversity once again created divisions, this time resulting in the cold-hearted slaughter of around 50 Muslims in the traditionally unMuslim country of New Zealand.

President Trump posted something about sympathy, feels, warmth, standing with peoples, and invoked the name of an extremely divisive religious personage called "God," in whose name various wars, invasions, and mass slaughters have been committed over the centuries. 

British lame duck leader Theresa May took time out form her ritual humiliation at the hands of European leaders and her own backbenchers to make a video in which she mouthed some shop-worn platitude about "hopes and prayers" and "friends and families" in a husky voice, possibly in an attempt to come over as sexy. (No comments were allowed, LOL)

Canada's great Prime Minister Justin Trudeau emphasised the horror of the attack by calling attention to the sanctity of the Islamic prayers that the victims were engaged in when they were mowed down. He then went out, possibly to join a gay rights march somewhere and insert a rainbow-coloured dildo up his butt, something that those dead Muslims would have been totally cool with.

Next to deplore the inevitable and very evil Division that flows from the very nice and totally good Diversity was unhappily married "diversity novelty couple" the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, whom experts predict will probably get divorced in a few months.

Also keen to have his say was Turkish leader Recep Erdogan who is very familiar with the wonders that Diversity brings to his large, ethnically-diverse police state nation of 80 million people. 

Turkey has worked hard for over a century to assimilate its ethnic minorities by peacefully exterminating them.

President Macron of Paris also commented, but tweeted some crap in French that I couldn't be bothered to translate. 

Sadiq Khan the Shah of London also showed his face on social media in connection with the tragic massacre:

Khan of course is famous for saying that terrorism was "part and parcel" of life in Western cities when it was the Muslims doing the terrorism against non-Muslims. Now that the terrorism is directed against Muslims, he doesn't seem quite so sure.

But, still, who can blame these leaders and geniuses for being shocked? Who would ever have thought that something like Diversity, the "celebration of differences," could actually lead to Division, bloodshed, massacre, and death, the expression of those differences? 

Did. Not. See. That. One. Coming.

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