Monday 5 November 2018


Even those members of Mike Enoch's obsessively anti-Semitic fan base who insist that he is NOT Jewish -- despite his own recorded confessions to the contrary -- will admit that he was married to a Jewish woman. 

It must therefore have been extremely troubling for them to hear Enoch's comments on J.F. Garapey's recent livestream that point to a disturbingly unpleasant sexual experience in Mike's past.

Talking about the "Service Sex" that women are sometimes forced to have by their randy husbands and partners when they are not in the mood, Enoch immediately turned it around when J.F. Garapey asked for his opinions:

"First of all have they ever considered that that goes both ways, that there's times when a man doesn't want to have sex and a women does? And you go through it anyway. I mean, you can get an erection even if you're not totally turned on, just from stimulation and you can have sex, even if you're not into it. Like, it's possible, and so this can happen both ways."

The fact that Mike is so knowledgeable about the extremely obscure subject of "reverse service sex" points strongly to the possibility that he was speaking from the perspective of a victim. 

He then more or less admitted this by saying that the subject of service sex is only ever studied from the perspective of woman, meaning that any male perspective of it would have to be based on much more intimate personal data: 

"And certainly, the way it is studied, it's possible that it happens more to women. Are they even looking into whether this happens with men or not?"

Clearly not, but Mike is an expert, even down to the physiological responses of the abused male! 

Of course, Left wingers, like Mike's own Jewish ex-wife, believe that service sex is a form of "rape," so we can conclude from this with an extremely high degree of probability that Mike was effectively "raped" by her on those occasions when he was unwilling to "service" her insatiable Hebrew lusts.

This clearly traumatic experience may explain his generalised hatred of all Jews, even though it is clear to many that he is one himself.

The "Star" of the Daily Shoah, Mike "Edge Cases" Enoch
This is just the latest of many sex scandals to rock TRS. Back in June last year, devout trad-Catholic Matt Forney accused Ghoul, one of the main hosts of TRS's Daily Shoah podcast, of using TRS pool parties to groom teenage boys into sleeping with him and other members of the Alt-Right. 

Forney blamed the other members of TRS, like Enoch, of knowing what Ghoul was doing but refusing to do anything because of their "never punch right" mantra.

Those wishing to know more of these "sex scandals" should listen to the Third Jimpact podcast.


  1. Male service sex victim is the opposite of incel.

  2. Mike's getting ripped or at least shedding a few pounds. I foresee more Yenta service-sex rapes.

  3. Are you aware of how deranged and weird this reads?

  4. the womens in the picture is a carton , not a real person .. thx & please dont decieve now .

    1. The 3-D yenta looks a lot worse then the 2-D one. Poor Mike!


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