Monday 5 November 2018


It looks like 2016 all over again. Then too you had Democrat voters signalling hard how they were going to vote, amplified by a sympathetic media, while Republican voters, quietly fired up, kept their cards close to their chests, and were generally ignored by the media and undercounted by the polls. 

The result was an amazing victory for Trump that most people were surprised by.

Here's the lead story right now when you Google the Midterms, so you can be pretty sure it's as fake as fuck:

CNN Poll: In final days, Democrats maintain advantage

On the eve of the midterm elections, Democrats continue to hold a double-digit lead over Republicans in a generic congressional ballot among likely voters, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS. The party's 55% to 42% advantage in the new poll mirrors their lead in early October and is about the same as the 10-point edge they held just after Labor Day.

That's a slimmer edge than the party held in CNN's final poll before the 2006 midterm elections and similar to the Republicans' 10-point advantage just before the 2010 midterms.

Democrats benefit from a massive gender gap that has persisted throughout the fall (women favor Democrats 62% to 35%, while men are about evenly divided, 49% back the Republican, while 48% support the Democrat in their district), a wide lead among political independents (53% for the Democrat to 39% for the Republican), and strong support from black and Latino voters (88% of black voters and 66% of Latino voters favor the Democrats).

55 to 42! That's "game over." But do I smell gas in here? Yes, that's because they're trying to gaslight us and make us stay at home. This shtick is straight out of the Left's 2016 playbook. It didn't work then and it's not going to work now.

The 2018 Midterms have the exact same feel at 2016 -- in fact it's deja vu -- fake news media pushing the usual, overconfident predictions for the Left, while any ordinary voter you talk to has a lot of good things to say about Trump and even the GOP. 

Since he was elected, Trump has been working hard, trying to achieve all the goals that ordinary Americans really care about -- jobs, trade, border security, etc. -- while the Democrats just seem to be frothing at the mouth.

So, ignore the fake news polls. But even assuming those polls are not cooked, there is a very good reason why they are not picking up the Red Wave, and that's because it's silent. 

Republicans, you see, treat voting like an act of silent prayer -- something serious and private that you don't shout from the rooftops. Democrats not so much. 

Here's Rasmussen on this phenomenon:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely Democratic Voters say they are more likely to let others know how they intend to vote this year compared to previous congressional elections. This compares to 49% of Republicans and 40% of voters not affiliated with either major political party. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

In August 2016, 52% of Democrats were more likely to let others know how they intended to vote in the upcoming presidential election, compared to 46% of Republicans and 34% of unaffiliated voters. Some analysts before and after Donald Trump's upset victory suggested that most pollsters missed his hidden support among voters fearful of criticism who were unwilling to say where they stood.

Similarly when asked now about family, friends and co-workers, 60% of Democrats say they are also more likely to tell others how they intend to vote, but only 46% of Republicans and 45% of unaffiliated voters agree.

Back in 2016 the figures were 52% of Democrats more likely to let others know how they intended to vote, compared to 46% for Republicans. Then it was a 6 point gap, and that gap went a long way to explaining why most of the polls got the result so wrong. Now that gap is nearly double.

In other words, many GOP voters have been blindsiding the polls as they head out to vote. For this reason it looks like the Silent Red Wave could be even bigger than in 2016. 

Fuck it -- and fuck the fake news polls -- I'm going ahead and predicting the GOP will win the Senate and the House, and will make some spectacular gains across the board. 

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