Monday 5 November 2018


How the British army is projected to look after all racial, sexual, and transgender quotas are met.
On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI, the British government has decided to insult the British army, its traditions, its national character, and its centuries of sacrifice.

In what looks like a backdoor means of boosting Third World immigration into the UK, the government has decided to change the rules of recruitment so that foreigners living abroad will now be allowed to join Britain's Armed Forces. This will inevitably give them and their extended families residency rights in the UK. 

As reported by the leftist BBC

Foreigners living abroad will be allowed to join Britain's Armed Forces, the government is set to announce. Currently, citizens from Commonwealth countries can only join if they have lived in the UK for five years. But in a bid to recruit more servicemen and women to the Army, Navy and Air Force, the Ministry of Defence is lifting this rule.

The Armed Forces is short of 8,200 soldiers, sailors and air personnel, a report found earlier this year. It is the worst shortage since 2010, said the independent government watchdog, the National Audit Office. Ministers are expected to announce the change to recruitment rules on Monday (5th Nov.). It means people from Commonwealth countries - including India, Australia, Kenya, Fiji and Sri Lanka - will be considered for roles, even if they have never lived in Britain.

The government already allows 200 Commonwealth citizens who have not met the requirement of living in the UK for five years to apply for a limited number of jobs every year. They introduced the rule in 2016. Now, that cap of 200 will be lifted. It is hoped the changes will recruit an extra 1,350 people every year.

OK, you can see what is going to happen now. Because of Brexit, there is a chance that cheap Eastern European labour will dry up, so the globalists who run the UK have now switched to plan B, namely to talk up fake manpower and labour shortages in so-called "vital sectors," like the military forces and the National Health Service, in order to bring in hordes of Third Worlders, while selling us the lie that "because they are from Commonwealth, they are just as British as you, bigot."

Let's just remind everybody that the real reason the British people voted overwhelmingly for Brexit against the biggest gaslighting operation in the country's history was because they are sick to the teeth with globalists dumping migrants on them to keep a sick, debt-fuelled, property-driven economy going. 

The BBC report pushes the meme that we, like, really, really need these people.

"The Armed Forces were involved in 25 operations worldwide in 2016/17 - and the Air Force is undertaking more missions than it has for a quarter of a century."

That is total bullshit, as almost all those operations are in parts of the world that Britain has no business being in to begin with, like Afghanistan, where the Taliban btw are winning. Britain is an island in a relatively safe corner of the globe. If it wanted to, it could easily cut its military spending in half with no ill effects and massive savings for the taxpayer. 

The drive for diversity (aka the War on White Men) is also being mobilised to push this blatant attempt at social engineering, as we see in the BBC's reporting:  

"An increase in obesity and also a rising proportion of black, Asian and minority ethnic people - who he said have until now been less likely to apply for military service - are also factors."

What!? Because Blacks and Asians already in Britain don't want to join the military, the UK government has to go over to Africa and Asia to get Asians and Africans to meet its anti-White quotas! 

What kind of fucked-up logic is that?

This follows a recent decision by the UK government to allow women into the SAS, the UK's elite special forces. 

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