Friday 9 November 2018


Enjoy your trip back to Central America!
It's just been a day since Trump fired Attorney Sessions Jeff Sessions and already there is good news:

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and Homeland Security chief Kirstjen Nielsen announced what is known as the Interim Final Rule on Thursday.

The joint statement said presidents have the power to "suspend the entry of all aliens" and to impose "any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate on them" if they are judged to be "detrimental" to US interests under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Accordingly, if the president issues a suspension or ban on entry through the US/Mexican border, those who illegally manage to enter the US will not be allowed to apply for asylum once there.

After the Midterms, in which Blacks and Jews voted in depressingly familiar ways, despite all that Trump had done for these groups, the myth of civic nationalism is dead in the water Rio Grande.

If a civilised and conservative America is to survive, everything depends on immigration restriction, higher White birthrates, and assimilating those parts of the non-core US population that can be assimilated. In the other direction lies the chaos, anarchy, and constant polarisation of an Open Borders USA -- and the dominance of the World by China.

Although the GOP lost the Senate -- mainly through defeats for "Never Trumpers" -- the President gained a stronger hand in the Senate, which gives him greater power to fire and hire the people he wants, which is why Sessions was kicked out as soon as the results were in.

Sessions is viewed by many on the right positively for his early work against illegal immigration. This includes Ann Coulter, here reported by Breitbart:

As for Sessions’ tenure at DOJ, Coulter says she gives Sessions an A+ grade while giving every other member of Trump’s administration a “D to F” grade, except for trade advisers Peter Navarro and Wilbur Ross, both of whom she gives an A grade.

Coulter is clearly out of date here. Not only did Sessions allow the Mueller-Russia probe go on-and-on-and-on, appointing the reptilian Rod Rothenstein as his deputy with day-to-day oversight of it, but  he was also becoming less effective in the fight against illegal immigration. This was possibly due to his deteriorating relationship with the President because of the probe, or it might just be because he was 71 going on 95.

As for the new rule, the usual snowflakes have been up in arms declaring "Lawfare" against it. The self-appointed ACLU declared the move "illegal" in a statement they released:

"US law specifically allows individuals to apply for asylum whether or not they are at a port of entry."

Well, fuck them! This basically boils down to: "We hope that there are still enough cucks on the Supreme Court to override the desires of the American people."

Essentially all law, all Constitution in America is a democratic process, which is itself a demographic process. Get enough migrants into the country and you get enough Democratic voters to get enough Leftist activists on the Supreme Court. In short, the border is the country. The border is America.

Whitaker: New bench-pressing requirement for public office is working out well.

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