Friday 9 November 2018


America's new Afghan policy
America's failed war in Afghanistan is creeping towards its sad conclusion. The US-backed Afghan government is now sitting down to what are effectively surrender talks with the Taliban, against whom the USA has fought a pointless and expensive 17-year-long war that it could never win.

As reported by the Saudi-backed Arab News:

Moscow on Friday (Nov.9th) hosted international talks on Afghanistan aimed at kickstarting direct negotiations between Kabul and the Taliban militant group, both of whom sent delegations.

Russia hopes “through joint efforts to open a new page in the history of Afghanistan,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said as the talks opened at a Moscow hotel on Friday morning.

He said that the participation of both Afghan leaders and the Taliban was an “important contribution” aimed at creating “favorable conditions for the start of direct talks.”

OK, let's cut the diplomatic gobbledy-gook. What this means is that the war is unwinnable for the West, which basically means the Taliban has won. The problem now is to let them win without the West getting tarred as what it literally is, i.e. the loser. 

What you will now witness over the coming two or three years are a number of so-called "peace talks" -- in reality PR session -- where the Western powers will pretend that they got everybody to sit round a nice big table and make nice with each other. 

This will allow them to discretely pull their forces out and wash their hands of the whole mess, hopefully out of the site of too much media media attention.

Meanwhile in Afghanistan, the Taliban, after pretending to be part of some "peace coalition" or other, will then consolidate power, hunt down its enemies, and shut down all the feminist universities, lesbian bookshops, and gay empowerment workshops that Western NGOs have spent billions of dollars setting up. 

Quite a few people will probably be thrown off roofs, while others will be stoned to death in stadiums before cheering crowds, which is exactly the kind of thing that only winners get to do in these Middle Eastern/ Third World conflicts. 

Woman being executed for not marrying her first cousin or second brother.

The Taliban already sound like clear winners:

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said that the militant group was sending five representatives. They will not hold “any sort of negotiations” with the delegation of Kabul administration, he said.

“This conference is not about holding negotiations with any party whatsoever — rather it is about finding a peaceful solution to the issue of Afghanistan,” he added.

LOL, sure. Basically this means: surrender or die.

Meanwhile the Afghan puppet government is in full cuck mode, sending what it calls a "High Peace Council." This is a government body responsible for "reconciliation efforts" with the militants apparently. 

After a few child brides have changed hands, maybe they'll show a little "reconciliation."

The Trump government meanwhile is just desperate to get the fuck out of this unwinnable war, as their puppet regime keeps getting BTFOed. 

They are sending a representative from the US embassy in Moscow to observe the discussions. Hope it's this guy:

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1 comment:

  1. "Taliban" aka the average Afghani.



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