Thursday 8 November 2018


Vice Media the parent company of shitlib, anti-nationalist, pro-globalist, pro-feminist, pro-homosexualist Vice Magazine is in financial trouble and will have to slash its workforce of tattoed freaks, soy-latte drinking degenerates, and fat girls with dyed armpits by 15%.

As reported by the Wall Street Times:

Vice Media plans to shrink its workforce by as much as 15% through attrition and cut its selection of digital sites by at least half, according to people familiar with the matter, as growth stalls at the onetime new-media darling.

Revenue at the Brooklyn-based company is expected to be roughly flat this year, the people said, coming in between $600 and $650 million, on par with 2017. That number is more than $100 million below the projection Vice offered private-equity firm TPG in the summer of 2017. TPG’s investment gave Vice a $5.7 billion valuation, the highest of any new-media company.

Vice lost more than $100 million in 2017 and is on track to lose more than $50 million this year, people familiar with the matter said.

Despite constant clickbaiting with low-concept garbage about dick operations, people's Instagram pages, or what its like to be a transgender sex worker, the site, which was co-founded by dildo enthusiast and Proudboy Gavin McInnes, has seen a dramatic drop in monthly traffic. 

Web traffic to Vice’s own sites has declined to 27 million unique visitors in September from 36 million two years earlier, according to comScore.

Vice's esteemed founder sticking another dildo up his jacksie.
But don't worry, Vice isn't the only shitlib clickbait site to be hurting. Other like Vox Media and Refinery29 are also feeling the pain, missing their revenue targets in recent months, with the latter announcing last month that it would fire 10% of its workforce.

Vice is also suffering from its place in the "progressive stack," with its often salacious content troubling its audience of femdom shitlibs and hipsters cucks in the era of #MeToo:

Some of Vice’s problems are unique to Vice. The company launched a cable channel, Viceland, in 2015 just as cable television’s decline was accelerating, and has struggled to adapt to a broader cultural shift powered by the #MeToo movement that hasn’t always sat well with its macho, devil-may-care hipster brand.

It's advertisers are also getting restive as they realise that online advertising isn't all its cracked up to be.

In fact, Vice is now getting so desperate for new investment that executives from the gay-agenda-promoting company have even traveled to states where homosexuality is punished by death, like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in order to drum up investment.

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