Tuesday 20 November 2018


The current state of Richard
Richard Spencer, the founder and unfounder of the Alt-Right, had a dream as a young boy, namely to grow up to become the most edgy and Bond-like pantomime villain who was still allowed into the polo club. 

He didn't care what he did to achieve this dark and twisted dream, even listening to Depeche Mode's pervy lyrics, marrying a suspected KGB operative, and sieg heiling with a glass of bourbon before the nation's assembled media. 

He even turned the common sense movement that was the early Alt-Right into a bunch of retarded Wignats, who drone on endlessly about a "White ethnostate" and constantly purity spiral, while doing everything in their power to make European identitarianism as unpalatable to normies as possible. 

In short, he became a sinister but rather cool figure, as everything around him turned to shit.

Spencer the "wild man" of the Alt-Right before he 
became a shitlib's lap dog for post-Nina cummies.
But now, in the latest twist, Spencer has thrown all his "evil" cred in the dumpster by becoming the domesticated pet of a shitlib woman with a funny name. 

This was apparent on a recent edition of J.F. Ga-rapey's YouTube livestream "The Pubic Space," where Spencer appeared, wearing a dog collar with his "new girlfriend" Megan Bobonick firmly in charge.

Throughout the first 20 minutes Spencer sat meekly in the background while Megan unleashed her shitlib opinions on Ga-rapey's stunned audience, including praising interracial porn and veganism.

After 20 minutes of humiliating Spencer in this way, Megan left him alone with Ga-rapey, but even then Spencer remained in "gud boi" mode, continuing to echo her shitlib positions and gushing that he was a fan of the Young Turks and Chapo Trap House.

Watch the whole disturbing mess here, but bring a sick bag as I'm still mopping up my computer keyboard as I write this:


  1. you are really starting to nail down this humorous style of writing

  2. Is being deceitful fun for you? KYS kike

    1. Are you referring to Spencer's best friend ((Mike Enoch)))?

  3. JF Ga-Rapey Lmfao ���� dead


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