Sunday 18 November 2018


It all started in Europe where anything connected to the Third Reich was deemed out-of-bounds. The Russians then jumped on board with a raft of laws that criminalised anyone dissing "The Great Patriotic War" and other aspects of the Soviet Empire. 

Now it is the Chinese government, which has brought in laws to clamp down on Chinese geeks who like to LARP as samurai and members of the Japanese imperial army.

As reported by Asia Times:

The National People’s Congress, China’s legislature, is expected to pass a “Martyrs Protection Law” with clauses aimed at criminalizing and penalizing those that seek to propagate and even glorify aggression, war acts and militarism, Xinhua reported.

The move has a historical context. China was scourged by aggression and imperialism after the end of the Qing Dynasty, particularly the eight-year war to resist Japanese invasion from 1937 to 1945. And now, there is apparently a growing number of adherents to Japanese jingoism, whose words and deeds have provoked strong indignation among many Chinese who are still inculcated with anti-Japan ideology.

These idolizers of Japanese militarism and samurai – Japanese military nobility – call themselves “spiritual Japanese” and they have, among other occasions, marched to a war memorial while wearing Japanese army uniforms in Shanghai in 2017, on Victory over Japan Day on August 15, to honor the invaders.

In February this year, a trio wearing Japanese army outfits were arrested in the eastern city of Nanjing for posing for photos at a historic fortress used during the Battle of Nanjing. The former capital of the Republic of China fell to Japanese troops at the end of 1937, followed by a Holocaust-like massacre known as the Nanking Massacre in which Chinese historians say more than 300,000 civilians were killed.

Yes, that's right. China has the literal equivalent of Wignats in the West who idolize the regime their grandparents fought against, LOL. 

Honestly, what the fuck is it with millennials?

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