Tuesday 20 November 2018


Typical caravan member fleeing "oppression" and desperate to do the jobs that Americans don't want to do.
Mexico is finally showing us its best, after an uprising of respectable citizens staged protests against the NGO-backed migrant caravan that is trying to invade the USA, and which has now reached the US-Mexico border at the town of Tijuana. 

Echoing Trump's own "America First" rhetoric, the protesters chanted “Tijuana first,” “Out Hondurans, we don’t want you here,” and “Long live Mexico”, while waving Mexican flags and signs reading “no to the invasion” and “no more migrants.”

If anything, the language of these nice, respectable Mexican citizens is far more extreme than anything Trump ever said:

As reported by the Guardian:

On WhatsApp and Facebook groups used to organise the demonstrations, anti-caravan protesters have reportedly described asylum seekers as a “cancer that signals the end of Mexico” and “equal to gonorrhoea”.

Many migrants were surprised by the anger they were seeing, particularly in contrast to the outpouring of support they had received along the route through southern Mexico.

“Until now we have been treated well. They treated us so well in Mexico City, but here nothing,” said Maria Gonzalez, 32, from Guatemala, who says she came north to find work. “I was thinking about staying in Tijuana, but now I don’t know, I didn’t come here for this,” she said, motioning down the road at the protesters.

Really they shouldn't be surprised, as no sane population anywhere in the world wants a vast influx of mainly jobless young men, hanging around for an unspecified period. Not only will this push down local wages, it will also increase the danger of property crime and rape. 

Another problem is taxes, as the local government will be forced to foot the bill for the migrants by providing some sort of accommodation and other services. Even the left-tard Guardian gets this point:

It is unclear how long Tijuana can handle the influx of migrants. Officials have estimated that until they receive the funds they have requested from the federal government, they only have about a week’s worth of resources...

But with US border inspectors processing about only 100 asylum claims a day at Tijuana’s main port of entry to San Diego, it does not look like the migrants are going anywhere soon. The Tijuana mayor, Juan Manuel Gastélum, said he expected them to stay for at least six months.

As Trump has repeatedly said, the problem is that the US has terrible immigration laws that encourage this kind of behaviour. 

But despite his complaints and his Twitter posturing, Trump has been unable to do much to stop the caravans. Right now US border officials are processing these asylum claims, as those arriving add their names to a list of around 3,000 who are now waiting to apply for asylum in the US. 

In addition to this steady stream of "asylum" claims that the US can't turn away because of its retarded laws, there is also the growing threat that the rising number of migrants will stretch the US border guards, making it easy for groups of migrants to rush the border, break into America, and then disperse to various Democrat-controlled sanctuary cities. 

Despite two years of talking tough and tweeting, Trump still hasn't built the promised wall, clamped down on sanctuary cities by cutting Federal funding, or put economic pressure on Mexico and other Central American countries to stop the caravans. If he did any of these things, a judge would probably pop up somewhere and block it

So, if there is hope, it lies in the angry citizens of Tijuana.

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