Thursday 22 November 2018


London's chief crime-fighter "Career lesbian" Cressida Dick.
London has finally decided to do something about its soaring crime rate. Unfortunately it has decided to do precisely the wrong thing.

As reported by the Guardian:

The Metropolitan police commissioner, Cressida Dick, has said she wants half of London’s officers to be women, as part of a commitment to end male domination in the ranks.

With just over one in four officers, 27%, being female, the Met has launched its first recruitment drive targeting women.

The Met is Britain’s largest force, with about 30,000 officers in total, but government figures show it has one of the lowest proportions of female officers among the forces in England and Wales. Dick, the first female commissioner in its history, has vowed to turn that around.

Yes, that's right, in order to deal with an epidemic of violent crime they are going to hire even more people who are crap at dealing with violent crime. 

Really, what could go wrong? What better way to stop the stabbing epidemics and the gangs throwing acid in people's faces than by hiring dumpy, out-of-condition, small people with lots of flabby bits and weird mood swings? 

The push to recruit more women is taking place as the Metropolitan Police "celebrate" the 100th anniversary of allowing women to join the police force. 

In those days, there was a shortage of fit, healthy men, due to WWI which had just ended, and the move was clearly meant to be temporary and designed to free men from boring backroom duties, like making tea and misfiling the clues to the Ripper case.

Dick said: "I want to use this celebration to appeal to all women to consider having a career in the Met. Being a police officer is a diverse and challenging job, but it is extremely rewarding and you get to make a difference to so many people. Today, we have launched our female-specific recruitment campaign and there is no better time to be a woman in the Met."

"Female-specific recruitment campaign" -- that's a nice term for anti-male bigotry. But hiring women to fight crime is not just an ineffective waste of money in itself. It also makes it more difficult for male police officers to do their jobs, as they have to protect their female colleagues in dangerous situations.

It is estimated that for every policewoman on the beat, at least four male colleagues are needed to protect her.
Another problem with having female officers in the force is that physical fitness standards slide, taking the pressure off male police officers to stay fit and perform, and giving some of them the green light to become as fat and soft as most women.

The reason for London's atrocious crime problem is pretty simple: fighting crime is simply low down on the list of police priorities. 

Much more important are things like this:

And this:

And this:

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