Thursday 22 November 2018


Alt-Right leaders are not sending us their best
As a prominent American Nationalist and Alt-Righter, Greg Johnson understandably likes to keep his exciting gay lifestyle under wraps. But the truth is that his gayness deeply affects not only what he does between his hopefully non-White sheets, but also whom he associates with, how he behaves, and how he thinks.

As we pointed out here, his deeply gay sensibility even influences the imagery that he selects for his books, with the cover for his latest hit book being directly inspired by a legendary gay porno movie cover:

Then there's his love for obscure Japanese novelist Yukio Mishima, which would be largely inexplicable without the whole gay thing.

More disturbingly, it also seems to be a factor in his undying love of Hitler and all things Nazeeeee!!!. 

But it seems that the manic Hitler fan, who was once outraged by Colin Liddell's anti-Hitler essay "When You're Covered in Shit," and who wrote an essay titled "The Burden of Hitler" is now finding his own homosexuality too much of a burden, after it was politely brought up on a recent livestream with Ronny Cameron on ProperGanderTV. 

Although Cameron is in a relationship with a half-White woman, he also claims to be a White Nationalist, and clearly saw some common ground between his "imperfections" from a WN viewpoint and those of Greg's:

"We don't want to promote homosexuality in the ethnostate. We don't want to promote race mixing. It's as simple as that. We both take it on the chin, realise that even though you're not the perfect example of a white nationalist and you will never be the leader because of your sexuality, it doesn't mean you can't be an integral part of the community.

Same thing with me, but if we go at each other with 'race mixing is worse than homosexuality because…' that's going to create natural resentment in these types of debates."

Cameron argued that someone like him was a greater benefit to the White Race because, even though his kids would only be partly White, that was better than being a gay nationalist who couldn't have any kids at all. 

(BTW this is not strictly true as Johnson could theoretically have some gay kids through artificial insemination using an impoverished Eastern European woman keen to rent out her ovaries for Counter-Currents donations, although it seems he hasn't tried.)

But for Johnson, who normally likes to debate philosophical points of interest like these, Cameron's comments were a bit too close to the large, humorless bone that seems to be stuck up Johnson's arse. Suddenly and without warning or even a word of goodbye, Johnson dropped off the livestream and disappeared into the night like a post-coital Grindr hook-up. 

"Huh! Greg Johnson just took off, guys, Greg Johnson just took off!" Cameron told his baffled audience. "That's really unfortunate because it was getting to a point where I was creating neutral ground, I was creating an even surface where we could both exist in harmony with those, let's say, personal flaws."

This just shows you how thin-skinned Johnson is, which, gay or not, means he is entirely unsuitable for any kind of leadership position in the Dissident Right, although he might be quite good at choosing the drapes.

Watch the whole sad car-crash here:


  1. Greg produces valuable work, regardless of his sexual orientation. What are your motives for attacking figures who are more important than you are? Why is this blog focused on stirring up trouble. It's very feminine. Or very ((()))

    1. It's a myth that Johnson produces particularly valuable work. He is one of the main people responsible for conflating the Alt-Right with Naziism and therefore destroying the movement.

    2. Trad news is "very femenine" for outing this queer inconsistencies...
      BTW using gay slurs to defend a sodomite?? Oh man!! now i've seen it all, for all i know he could easily be a pedophile(something very common in his community).

      Attacking homos is a jewish trick now?? The race-mixing boy is just as bad too.

  2. Does he identify as gay?...
    Or is it just a smear?

    1. Possibly a shit smear as anal sex is never clean.

  3. Half-White where?? She looks very Dinduisha to me.
    Almost like J-Lo.


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