Thursday 22 November 2018


Trump not giving a shit about his base (several times over)
Gavin McInnes has resigned from the Proudboys, the multiracial libertarian civic nationalist group he founded in 2016 to support Donald Trump. 

The reason? Lack of support from Donald Trump.

The move came after a campaign by the SPLC and the media to label the group a "Neo-Nazi hate group" apparently succeeded, with the FBI effectively classifying the Proudboys as a White Nationalist terrorist group, as reported by the Guardian:

The FBI now classifies the far-right Proud Boys as an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism”, according to a document produced by Washington statelaw enforcement.

The FBI’s 2018 designation of the self-confessed “western chauvinist group” as extremist has not been previously made public.

The Proud Boys was founded by the Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. McInnes has insisted that his group is not white nationalist or “alt-right” but the Proud Boys have a history of misogyny and glorifying violence. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists them as a hate group.

Everybody in the Dissident Right immediately knows what bullshit this is. 

We also know that the only violence the Proudboys are guilty of is standing up to vicious attacks by antifa. 

What makes this pathetically sad is that this group is Trump's fan base, and he isn't even lifting a f**king pinkie to help them, just because some of them might have punched back against antifa. 

Trump must be really shocked by violence I guess...

In other news, the President is turning a blind eye to what this tyrannical piece of shit has been up to.

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Yes, this charming individual ordered the brutal murder of Jamal Kashoggi, a Saudi journalist working for a US newspaper. 

The victim was brutally butchered alive during a seven-minute execution session inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The killers wore headphones to drown out his screams as they literally cut him into kebab meat on a desk. 

But this sicko is not thrown under a bus by Trump because he placed orders worth hundreds of billions of dollars with US defence companies. Instead it is McInnes, a likeable doofus, who campaigned hard for Trump and started a grass roots organisation for Trump supporters.

Really, this is probably the most disappointing thing Trump has ever NOT done, along with doing fuck all about Big Tech monopolies deplatforming "his people." In short, Trump doesn't give a fuck about his base and seems to take them for granted. 

Is there any point in believing in him anymore, or voting for him? Right now the answer is clearly NO. If he does something positive I'll applaud. But also, I don't  think I'll hold my breath. For me he has stopped being "Trump," and has instead just deteriorated into an average, shit-tier politician with an overactive Twitter account and a red baseball cap with some funny words on it.

Of course I get it why it's hard for him to stand up for White Nationalists or Alt-Righters, but when he can't even stand up for a few civic nationalists who have taken a lot of knocks for him, then he shrinks from being a man to a pygmy. 

Pissing on your fan base like this is not the way to get reelected, Trump. So, fuck you! 

Would Hillary have really been that much worse?

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  1. The 2016 election was a stay of execution for America as we knew it. If / When Trump were to falter, the next step would be full throated calls to break up the US.

    Maybe folks are using the holiday season to greive and mourn, but so far the movement has not found a replacement for the Johnson / Enoch "slow cleanse".

    I know that ultimately folks will come around to Partition, but "getting it" on the stairs to the scaffold won't be very useful.

  2. I could use some good news about now. Or even better, bad news. Anything is better than this slow stasis field.


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