Friday 30 November 2018


"He dropped his hands down to my buttocks
and gave it a nice, ripe squeeze"
The #MeToo movement has finally caught up with serial groper and sexual pervert George Bush Senior. 

The former Vice-President and President, who presided over the usual mixed-in-a-bucket "Republicrat" policies of caving in to social Leftism, while engaging in Neoliberal globalist wars. was President between 1989 and 1993.

In his later years, Bush was mainly notorious for his wandering hands, including sexually groping young girls, and had started to attract attention from the #MeToo movement which was encouraging women to come forward with their tales of "horrific" abuse at the hands of the man who lost to fellow sexual degenerate Bill Clinton in 1992.

As reported last year by the BBC:

An eighth woman has come forward with claims that former US president George HW Bush groped her.

An interpreter, whom the BBC has agreed not to name because of the sensitive nature of her job, claims Mr Bush touched her inappropriately in 2004.

The alleged incident took place at a meeting between the former president and the Spanish defence minister Jose Bono Martinez...

George HW Bush, the president's father, was hunting in Spain so, with an interpreter, Mr Martinez was sent to meet him armed with a gift - a pair of hunting rifles.

The interpreter would not disclose the contents of the meeting, citing confidentiality concerns. But media reports suggest Mr Martinez was hoping to enlist Mr Bush's help in establishing greater communication between the US president and the Spanish prime minister.

It was at the photo call after the meeting had finished when the alleged incident occurred.

"When the time came to take the photos, Mr Bush insisted on me being in the photo," the interpreter said.

"I remember thinking this was odd. Usually we stay outside of the frame.

"He grabbed my bum. At first I thought it was an accident, but then he did it a second time."

Her story is similar to other allegations made against Mr Bush. Another woman, Roslyn Corrigan, told the publication Time that Mr Bush touched her inappropriately in 2003, when she was 16. On Thursday, CNN reported allegations from a 55-year-old woman who said Mr Bush touched her inappropriately in April 1992.

And for anyone who thinks that #MeToo are just a bunch of shrill feminists who make shit up, even based Steve Bannon called Bush out for his groping:

Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump's former chief strategist, called President George H.W. Bush a "pervert," referring to accusations by multiple women that the former president groped them, as part of a Vanity Fair profile published Thursday.

"The old man is a pervert," Bannon told reporter Gabriel Sherman. "He's a pervert. Grabbing these girls and grabbing their asses?"

Six women have come forward in recent weeks to accuse Bush of grabbing their buttocks during photo ops and other meetings. In one case, novelist Christina Baker Kline said Bush cracked a joke as he groped her.

"You wanna know my favorite book?" Bush whispered as the cameraman prepared for the shot. He then said, "David Cop-a-Feel," while simultaneously squeezing her buttocks.

While the media will talk about his ''distinguished server" and attribute his death to his extreme old age  -- he was a sprightly 94 -- another probable factor was the mounting pressure of the #MeToo movement. 

By dying in this extremely convenient way, the former President smoothly avoids the mounting allegations of sexual misconduct and makes things easier for his offspring like Jeb Bush who still have political ambitions. 

The obvious benefits of his death means that there is a possibility that it was not entirely accidental. 

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