Thursday 29 November 2018


Whatever happened to feminine modesty?

Make no mistake about it, social media is poison, turning all of us, especially women, into slavering, twitching attention whores. 

It has already been proven beyond all scientific doubt that women will do almost anything to get attention on social media, up to and including engaging in on-line prostitution just to be "noticed" by the IRS.

But some women are even more desperate than that, according to the Metro, which reports on the sad case of a dying Australian woman effectively "whoring out" her death in an insane to attempt to get likes and shares on Instagram:

A former straight-A student is ‘documenting her death’ on Instagram...Holly Warland’s compelling insight into life with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) – a painful genetic condition where the muscles progressively waste away, predominantly on the hips and shoulders – is intended to ‘raise awareness of people who want to die with dignity.’

She was deprived of her chance to become a doctor, after being forced to quit her psychology degree, because of LGMD. Holly, 27, of Queensland, Australia, who was diagnosed aged 11, said: ‘Disabled people haven’t always got feel good stories. ‘We are broken and sometimes we have to accept that and the fact that it’s permanent. ‘I don’t buy into the whole ‘proud’ of my disabled body thing. I lost the genetic lottery and here I am. 

A recent post showed her sitting in a wheelchair with her withered legs, smiling, with the message:

I hadn't left the house in a month but today was my monthly doctor appointment so I made an effort and wore my fantastic @broadcity shirt. I had to have a difficult conversation with my doctor about how I'm petrified of becoming addicted to painkillers but need to increase my dosage due to my dip in strength and mobility now. I shed a few tears and he calmly explained that because of my condition, I was only going to get worse and there's no possible treatment so I am kind of allowed to become addicted because there's essentially nothing to lose. Of course he said it in a more professional way, he wasn't advocating pill addiction!

It was a tiring visit and I was sore, and quite sad. This was until Luke helped me off the table and one of my adhesive bra cups (as featured in pic 2) just tumbled right out of my shirt. It landed with a plop on the floor and we all cracked up. I don't believe in silver linings, but it definitely lightened the mood. Do boobs solve everything?

Yes, exactly, she's withering away and dying, and its a fucking tragedy and all that, but she's still going on about her boobs  FFS!!! trying to get her beta orbiters excited. 

Really, you can strip everything away from a woman through pain, war, disease, and famine, and you'll still get that raw, primitive drive to whore a little more attention before the chasm of the grave opens to swallow them. 

Even worse, she seems to have acquired her own male cuck slave who actually helps her to post intimate pictures of her like this online:

"...she hopes posts of her unfiltered experience on Instagram – made with the help of her boyfriend, part-time photographer and videographer Luke Amos, 29 – will help people to understand why she feels legalisation is so important. Her full-time carer, Luke, who she met on an online dating website, is helping her, despite not wanting to lose her, because he has fallen deeply in love with Holly and has ‘never had a single fight with her’ even though times can be tough."

"Never had a single fight" is code for Holly giving orders and Luke meekly obeying. 

As often happens with this kind of shameless attention whoring, the whole thing is also dressed up with a bit of "moral signalling" about "raising awareness," changing the law, or legalising euthanasia, etc. 

Sorry, I just don't but any of that crap. What we are dealing with is a primal instinct of the "eternal female" turbocharged into disgusting toxicity by the evil that is social media.

Here she is signaling hard against Trump, because that's really the business of Australian cripples dying of a debilitating illnesses and could be worth a few more likes.


  1. You blokes are the attention whores.

    1. Behold the wail of the white-knighting cuckhold!

  2. No doubt she wants a hundred million male Muslims to move in to do medical research.


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