Sunday 2 December 2018


Slightly bullied Syrian boy with his ISIS supporting friends
Britcuckistan, that weird zombie nation that now inhabits the hollowed-out shell of the former British Empire, continues to set new precedents in double standards and sheer insanity.

The latest example has been a minor bullying incident, in which an English boy slightly bullied a Syrian migrant, who, let's face it, should be back in his home country now that President Assad has managed to fight off the terrorists supported in part by the government of Britcuckistan. 

I don't approve of this act of bullying, although who knows what proceeded it. But its pretty tame compared to some of the kid-on-kid violence I saw growing up. 

The English boy grabs him, pushes him down, and pours a little water on his cheeks before letting him go. There might be more off camera -- who knows? -- but this story is mainly about what was recorded on camera.

Check for yourself:

As it stands, it is clearly a triviality. Most kids suffer a lot worse than that at school. However, the globalist-controlled media and the Leftists who control social media have decided that this is a "teachable moment" and should be spread around the world as yet more evidence of the "evil of White people." 

Yes, in short, it is being weaponised as a means to attack White people and bully us into never showing any kind of dissent on the migration and racial replacement question.

As for the so-called "victim," he seems to have done extremely well out of the whole thing, with a flood of donations (at least £135K), presents -- check out his new Armani jacket -- and messages of support.

I'd guess that most of that £135K came from cucked White people, keen to signal how on board with the migrant invasion they are.

But just compare this story to how the press dealt with the actual grooming, rape -- and worse -- of literally hundreds of thousands of English children by gangs of a migrant Muslim background. 

That story was literally going on for decades. I knew all about it from my friends in the British Nationalist Party, but the police, the politicians, and the media enforced a blanket of silence that lasted right up to a few years ago, when they had a damage limitation strategy in place.

Whatever truth there was in the pedophile scandal of this 
dead celebrity, it was deployed strategically to save multicultural 
Britain from serious collapse.
I've got nothing against refugees, and you shouldn't either, as it allows Leftists to portray you as an evil, hate-filled bigot and thus weaken any healthy nationalist message you have.

But migrants usually come from shithole countries. That is undeniable. I also understand that their culture -- sometimes combined with our foreign policy -- creates extremely dysfunctional states, which is why they need our help. 

But when helping them becomes an existential issue and a threat to our own national identities, then we are clearly doing something very, very wrong. 

Let's help them by stabilising instead of destablilising their countries, and by keeping them in their own neighbourhoods where the costs of supporting them are so much lower than in our own countries. 

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