Saturday 24 November 2018


While America wallows in depravity and mass masturbation, China, led by the wise teachings of Confucius and Chairman Mao, is becoming an increasingly moral and even puritan state. 

Now it is being reported that the state is offering its citizens up to US$86,000 to snitch on illegal porn publishing.

Abacus, a site run by the South China Morning Post, provides some details:

The National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications—a government body tasked with cleaning up China’s web — last week issued New Measures for Rewarding Reporting on Eradicating Pornography and Illegal Content, which will become effective December 1.

Recently China even sentenced an "erotic writer" named Tianyi to 10 years in jail over gay scenes in one of her novels. In August, the founder of the video app Hot TV was sentenced to seven years in prison for hosting "pornographic" videos. Also recently, a WeChat group admin recently got 6 months in prison for allowing explicit GIFs and videos to be shared in a private online group.

On Friday the People's Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party, published a report on a group in the Chinese city of Chengdu that spends 90% of their day snooping around and promoting the “Clean up the Pornographic, Strike the Illegal” campaign. 

In Huangshan City, a tourist center famous for its rugged mountains, there are reported to be 340 grass-roots stations patrol neighborhoods to support the crackdown on pornography. The city also reported 10,000 inspection raids to bookstores, printing and copying firms, and internet cafes to look for racy content.

The increase in bounty money for snitching means that more and more people are thinking of giving up the day job to become full-time porn hunters. 

“I'm not going to work today,” wrote one potential porn-buster on Weibo. “I'll look everywhere for materials so I can report anyone who I find disagreeable. There’s money to be made in reporting, so what am I doing working myself to death?”

Who knows where this will lead. Will the crackdown on porn lead to a boost in productivity or will it create a "pressure cooker" effect, leading to outbursts of revolutionary insurrection?

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