Sunday 4 November 2018


Possibly because Leftists control the media, there is a widespread perception that the so-called "far right" hates the Jews and even wants to kill them.

However, the facts suggest otherwise. Not only are "evil racist fascists" like President Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, the newly elected president of Brazil, big fans of Israel, it is now being reported that not a single "hate crime" committed against Jews in the city of New York was carried out by right-wingers.

According to the New York Times -- which is really pissed having to report this story -- there were 142 hate crimes committed against Jews this year. These included physical attacks, verbal incidents, and vandalism involving swastikas, etc. But it seems that all these hate crimes were carried out by other groups. 

As reported by the deeply disappointed Times, which is obviously deeply disappointed:
As If anti-Semitism bypasses consideration as a serious problem in New York, it is to some extent because it refuses to conform to an easy narrative with a single ideological enemy. During the past 22 months, not one person caught or identified as the aggressor in an anti-Semitic hate crime has been associated with a far right-wing group, Mark Molinari, commanding officer of the police department’s Hate Crimes Task Force, told me.

“I almost wish it was sometimes more clear cut,’’ he said. “It’s every identity targeting every identity.”

“It’s every identity targeting every identity”, except for White nationalists and right-wingers targeting Jews. 

This seems to be such a big problem for the Left that they have to drag in unsourced comments on the internet, which could just be from Feds or random nutcases:

Of course, not everyone is caught. And, obviously, white supremacists are driving anti-Semitic rhetoric online. It is just that sort of hate speech that the Anti-Defamation League views as largely responsible for the near doubling in bias incidents toward Jewish children in schools across the country last year.

LOL, what a shitty narrative. You can tell they are just pulling this crap out their arse.

Practically all online "anti-Semism" comes from non-right-wing trolls, non-Whites, or even Jews themselves. In fact two of the biggest troll sites pushing anti-Semitic memes, (((TRS))) and the (((Daily Stormer))), have been revealed as being controlled by oddball Jews.  

Let's just face it, with zero attacks on Jews by the far right, with Benjamin Netanyahu praising Viktor Orban, and with German Jews setting up a support group for Alternative for Germany, it is becoming increasingly clear that Jews and right-wingers are on the same page and in the same boat. 

This is something that the Left really hates, which may be one of the reasons that Britain's Labour party is now being investigated for anti-Semitism (although the simple explanation is just that they hate all White people, Jewish and non-Jewish alike).

Pals: Orban and Netanyahu

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