Wednesday 7 November 2018


Trump thinking what it's like for a White person to think what a Black person thinks.
White people had better stop trying to think what Black people want. Because, when they do, they end up thinking what they would want if they were Black. And what White people would want, if they were Black, is quite different from what actual Black people want.

The Midterms prove this. 

Trump has been the best President ever for Blacks, getting millions of them into jobs and off welfare. Things have been going great for months. 

As reported by Fox News:

President Trump is delivering better economic news for black Americans, Hispanics and women than any other president in the past century. That’s bad news for Democrats, who are counting on strong support from all three groups in the midterm elections.

Under President Obama, from 2009 to 2015 the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family, adjusted for inflation.

According to Sentier Research, when President Obama left office the median household income for all Americans was $58,056. Under President Trump, the rising tide of median household incomes rose to $62,175 by June – a jump of more than $4,000. And income for black Americans has been lifted as well.

Under President Trump, black employment has grown by an average of nearly 40,000 each month. In January 2017, the black unemployment rate stood at 7.8 percent. It’s now at 6.6 percent.

The number of black Americans with a job has risen by 708,000 from last year. Not only are black wages and incomes up since the election of Donald Trump – black employment has repeatedly hit historic highs.

In fact, this is one of the main things that Trump brags about most, and it's clear from the way that he has been hanging out with Kanye West and any other prominent Black personality who showed up that he was expecting this to turn itself into more Black votes.

So, how did he do with Black voters in the Midterms? They must have been really grateful for all the rising wages and falling unemployment, right?

Wrong! As the demographic breakdown of the vote on the infograph below shows, Trump got less than one in ten Black votes:  

Basically "Mitt Romney vs. Obama" levels.

In other words, the booming economy for Blacks did fuck all to get them off the Democratic Plantation.

The obvious conclusion to draw here is that many Black voters like the Plantation and want to stay there. What they don't want is a President who cranks up the economy and creates so many jobs that they have to all get off their welfare arses.

They might have a point because most of the jobs created force Blacks to meet working expectations that have been "culturally determined" by a White society. 

Not every Black worker is comfortable with that, especially when the alternative was living life at their own pace on "gibs" and White guilt

"Stop oppressing us with your hard-work-and-wealth-acquisition expectations Mr. Trump." 

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