Wednesday 7 November 2018


Trump thinking what it might be like for a Christian American to maybe think like a Jew thinks.
Christian Americans had better stop trying to think what Jews want. Because, when they do, they end up thinking what they would want if they were Jews. And what Christian Americans would want, if they were Jews, is quite different from what actual Jews want.

The Midterms prove this. 

Trump has been the best President ever for the Jews, defending Israel against its many enemies and even moving the American embassy to Jerusalem -- despite all the negative blowback this has caused to America's foreign policy in the Middle East. 

As reported by the New York Times back in May, when the embassy was moved:

For Mr. Trump, the opening of the embassy was an opportunity to keep a campaign promise, and was yet another example of his willingness to upend decades of conventional thinking on foreign policy and to do what other American presidents had not dared. But the split-screen image of the carnage nearby was a sobering reminder that what Mr. Trump is claiming as a foreign policy coup has only complicated the prospects for the Middle East peace the president has said he is seeking.

In fact, his pro-Israeli and Jew-friendly policy is one of the things that Trump brags about most. It's clear from the way that he has been hanging out with Bibi Netanyahu, Sheldon Adelson, and any other prominent Zionist who shows up that he was expecting this to turn itself into more Jewish votes in the Midterms.

So, how did he do with Jewish voters? They must have loved all his pro-Israeli stuff, right?

Wrong! As the demographic breakdown of the vote on the infograph below shows, Trump got less than one in five Jewish votes: 

Basically this is about the level of Jewish support that Chancellor Hitler scored in the 1932 German Elections, shortly before the Reichstag fire.

In other words, Trump's "fuck everybody else, we love Israel" foreign policy and marrying all his kids off to Jews, did fuck all to lure the Jews out of the Democrat Ghetto.

The obvious conclusion to draw here is that many Jewish voters like staying in the Democratic Ghetto. What they don't want is a President who cranks up Jewish nationalism and identity to the point where everyone else starts to notice how privileged and powerful the Jews are, and how much America supports them. 

They might have a point because keeping Jewish power below the radar has always been important to Jewish survival. The kind of aggressive Israeli occupation of the Middle East that Trump's policies empower is much more of a White Christian crusader thing and could cause trouble.

Not every Jewish voter or occupier is comfortable with that, especially not Haredi Jews, many of whom have a weird kinky love/hate relationship with the state of Israel.

"Stop oppressing us with your blatant, all-too-obvious support for the state of Israel, Mr. Trump." 

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