Monday 20 August 2018


Only days ago this was a flourishing White-owned farm.
South Africa’s ANC regime has confiscated its first white-owned farm without compensation, causing every living thing on it to immediately die, dry up, and blow away in a cloud of acrid dust. This has left behind a scarred and ugly landscape of rocks and sand, decorated with a few skeletal remains. 

But at least it's not "racist," right?

Despite the mass sudden die-off of all plant and animal life on the farm, the ANC has declared the operation a "great success" with party spokesman William Gladstone Umbongo explaining that this was the only way to achieve "true equality."  

"This marks a new dawn for the South African people," Umbongo added. "At last we will be able to put the evil history of apartheid and White colonisation behind us, and finally turn the clock back to the Golden Age before the White devils came...although, of course, we didn't have clocks then."

As food prices in the shops soared and disorderly queues began to form, the ANC, supported by Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters, announced plans to seize even more farms, with the result that crops that were already growing on those farms immediately began to shrivel, while cattle grazing there instantly lost half their body weight.

Formerly plump and happy cow responds to ANC's plans.
Despite criticism from business leaders that seizing property in this way will simply undermine confidence in the economy, which is already weak, and lead to Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation followed by economic collapse, and Chinese colonisation, the ANC is set to press ahead with the plans. 

They are doing this even though there are now reports that several gold-plated BMWs and Benz's belonging to top ANC officials have also suddenly begun vanishing into thin air. 

Since the news of the farm-seizing policy spread internationally in July, the South African rand has already lost 10% of its value. That only leaves 90%, which will soon disappear in the same way, as the ANC presses on to achieve its  goal of economic parity between Blacks and Whites by starving everyone to death.

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