Tuesday 21 August 2018


In yet another example of Big Tech's increasingly heavy-handed, Orwellian censorship and the lack of freedom in the West, Affirmative Right chief editor Colin Liddell has been given a 30-day Facebook ban. The month-long deplatforming occurred after he posted a link to a gently satirical Trad News story, accompanied by a small quote from the story. 

The story in question was SOUTH AFRICA'S ANC SEIZES FIRST FARM - EVERYTHING ON IT IMMEDIATELY DIES AND TURNS TO DUST, a short piece about the seizure of White-owned land by the racist South African government. 

This was accompanied by the following quote from the story:

"At last we will be able to put the evil history of apartheid and White colonisation behind us, and finally turn the clock back to the Golden Age before the White devils came...although, of course, we didn't have clocks then."

As usual, Facebook failed to specify what "the problem" was, meaning that we have to infer what their reason for shutting Liddell down is supposed to be. But we all know the real reason -- taking the piss out of the ANC, clearly one of Zuckerburg's little pets.

But for a laugh, let's try to assume that Facebook is actually a genuine company with serious standards. So, why oh why would they send someone to the gulag for 30 days for his? Nothing in the story or the post calls for violence -- quite the reverse, in fact, as White South Africans are now subject to enforced and therefore violent confiscation -- so we have to assume that they are doing this on the basis of it being "hate speech." 

Fair enough. So let's look at Facebook's community standards here:

"We define hate speech as a direct attack on people based on what we call protected characteristics – race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity and serious disease or disability." 

The story in question is an indirect attack on the ANC, which, as far as I know, is not a "race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, or gender identity," although it may be a "serious disease or disability." 

Also, what if it were a race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, or gender identity? Remind me when we signed up to the agreement that groups can't ever be criticised, critiqued, blamed, mocked, or even described? Oh yeh, the day before "Never"...

Now let's look at the next part of Facebook's community standards, which must be the most insincere, lying document ever written: 

"We also provide some protections for immigration status. We define "attack" as violent or dehumanising speech, statements of inferiority, or calls for exclusion or segregation. We separate attacks into three tiers of severity, as described below."

A lot of vague, questionable, abstract language right there. But this part is clearly not relevant, as it is blatantly an inserted paragraph designed to clamp down on America's ongoing debate over illegal immigrants. Just remember bigot, wanting to have a border is a form of "exclusion or segregation" and therefore grounds for banning you from "spreading hate" on Facebook. 

Whatever else it is the ANC is clearly not an illegal Mexican immigrant, so it can't be that either.

Finally, they say this:

"We allow humour and social commentary related to these topics."

Obviously not. 

So, once again, an honest look at Big Tech's declared "standards" reveals them to be a total fraud and a mere jumble of words that exist simply to hide the fact that they are arbitrarily banning, shadow-banning, shutting down, and deplatforming any views that diverge from those of the White Leftist cucks who run these companies. 

Now for a little perspective:

If you haven't already gotten onto Gab and VK, do it now.

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