Sunday 19 August 2018


In the latest example of the clusterfuck caused by Western moral decay and Third World colonization, a gang identified as Pakistani is said to be targeting and isolating drunk women across the southeast of Ireland, with the Irish police, the Gardai, putting out a "warning."

Personally I think they could be doing a lot more, but this is Ireland, remember, the country that fought against the English for 800 years just so it could have the freedom to elect a gay half-Indian Prime Minister, vote for mass abortion, and allow in a flood of migrants. 

Compared to that, being mildly concerned about young women being raped is a step up.

The pattern of Muslims or Pakistanis working as gangs to "sexually exploit/ rape" White women and girls is well established in the UK, and has a clear cultural and racial dimension. In short, these are not just "individual bad guy" crimes but instead a problem of distinct groups and must be dealt with as such.

As reported by Irish news site

A 28-year-old man of Pakistani origin — who was acquitted of rape in recent years — is the main suspect but gardaí believe he has friends who are also involved. The man is known to drive a grey Kilkenny-registered Audi.

There have been reports about the gang in Dungarvan, Co Waterford, in recent weeks. It has also been active in Carlow and Waterford.

A source said that the gang is a ‘real concern’. ‘This man was acquitted of rape in recent years but is considered a real concern. He and his friends go to clubs and pubs where they target drunk young women, try to isolate them and take them away.

‘Pub staff and bouncers copped them in Dungarvan and managed to stop them. This is deliberate targeting and isolating drunk women and claiming consent.’

There you have a picture of the modern multicultural madness in a nutshell -- total degeneracy and passivity of European populations so that their women can be preyed on like unguarded sheep by invading gangs of Third World criminals claiming "consent" for their crimes.

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