Tuesday 14 August 2018


Muslims are still only about 5% of the UK population but already they are showing their "power level" after British politician Boris Johnson criticised the "burka" -- the full face covering worn by some Muslim women -- in a recent article.

Johnson, who resigned as Foreign Minister a few weeks ago to push for a stronger Brexit, sparked controversy when he used boomer memes to say that women in burkas reminded him of "post boxes" and looked like "bank robbers."

These pitiful boomer memes were a calculated dogwhistle by Boris to the base of the Conservative Party, which is dominated by old boomers who are cuckishly uneasy about Britain's rapidly changing demographics. 

Boris made this calculated move as he is expecting to make a leadership challenge to Prime Minister Theresa May in the months ahead. However, the "Muslim Community" has been quick to take offence, with Muslim politicians and organisations like the Muslim Council of Britain calling for Boris to be kicked out of the party or severely disciplined.

As reported by the Guardian:

Britain’s largest Islamic organisation is writing to Theresa May to demand Boris Johnson be subject to a full disciplinary inquiry, saying no one should be allowed to victimise minorities with impunity.

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said Islamophobic incidents had spiked since Johnson’s controversial article was published a week ago and therefore the Conservative party process needed to go beyond its initial stage.

“We are hopeful that the party will not allow any whitewashing of this specific inquiry currently in process. No one should be allowed to victimise minorities with impunity,” the letter prepared by the MCB will say.

The MCB also tried to characterise Johnson's milquetoast boomer-channelling to the "far right" and accused him of inciting violence even though violence is simply endemic in any multiracial society:

“Mr Johnson deployed memes used previously by the far right and his comments appear to have spurred on anti-Muslim bigots, with attacks on Muslim women on the streets.

“A dismissal of the complaints at this initial stage would mean that the investigating officer considered the complaints, the impact on Muslim women on the street and the legitimisation of the far right to be ‘obviously trivial’ or ‘lacking in merit’. Such a decision would send a clear message that the party does not treat Islamophobia with the the seriousness it deserves and would be an indictment of the party’s ability to take Islamophobia seriously.” 

Once again we see here why multiculturalism can never work and is a constant threat to free expression, social cohesion, and democracy. This is why it must be dismantled at the earliest opportunity. 

Once a group like Muslims get established in a Western country they immediately start organising  to promote their power and privilege, and because they operate as a bloc they can have a disproportionate influence on politicians as compared to any equivalent number of atomised White voters, who are unable to organise for their group interests or show solidarity because to do so, we are told, is "racism."  

Even though Muslims are only about 5% of the UK they are already showing their growing "power level." 

A recent report by the Muslim Council of Britain boasted of their growing electoral power and identified 16 constituencies where the impact of Muslim voters was “high” and 23 where it was "medium." The report explained how Muslims were strengthening the Labour vote at the cost of the Conservatives: 

"In these seats, the swing in the majority towards Labour was 7,789 on average (equivalent to c.16% of the electorate vs. c.2% national swing). Every one of these 16 seats is now held by the Labour party:

11 previously Labour seats: the Labour vote was strengthened in every seat
5 previously Conservative seats: Labour gained every seat from the Conservatives
In the 23 constituencies where the MCB determined the impact of Muslim communities as “medium”, the swing in the majority towards Labour (or the Liberal Democrats in the Conservative-Lib Dem marginal Kingston & Surbiton) was 6,839 on average (c. 15% of the electorate vs. c.2% national swing)."

The Muslim population of the UK is set to continue growing, which is why the Labour Party is happy to sacrifice its support from the shrinking Jewish community by remaining critical of Israel (the other long-running political story in the UK). 

It just makes electoral sense.

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