Monday 13 August 2018


Literally Twittler
We have long suspected that this was going on, but we have now received confirmation from an anonymous source that our Twitter account is being shadow-banned.

Even though we have been posting on Twitter daily, our "tweets" section on our Twitter page tells visitors that we have not tweeted for 5 days, while under "retweets" it says nothing for 2 days.

We know that both of these pieces of "information" are totally untrue. This appears to mark an intensification of our long-standing Twitter shadow ban. Help us break this by sharing and retweeting our content as much as possible.

Hopefully, as Colin Liddell recently suggested, the growing radicalisation and weaponisation of social media by Left Tech will create "social media self-segregation" on a massive scale and lead to the creation and growth of Right-Wing and free speech Tech.

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