Monday 13 August 2018


The biggest news story in the States right now is "Unite the Right 2." This is because the mainstream media, which for some unaccountable reason is Leftist and anti-White, can focus on the thousands of counter-protesters and dust off the hashtag #SoBrave. 

But the real story here is the enormous success that UTTR2 has been, in fact it has been an UTTER success. 

Before the event, there was even doubt that Jason Kessler would show, and nobody expected more than six people to accompany him in what was going to be more a police training exercise than a march and rally. But Kessler did show up -- despite the allegations that he is a Fed -- and the marchers even managed to break into double figures. 

OK, the 15 to 20 people who showed up meant it was still more a police training exercise rather than a real march, but starting from the extremely low expectations that preceded the march, this was still a massive success. 

Also no fat people were killed! 

The hundreds of counter protesters also created their own problem. According to Leftists, only White people can be "racists" because "racism" can only ever be carried out by those in positions of power. 

Well, being a group of 20 people with ruined lives surrounded by a baying mob of antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other Leftists who literally want to rip you limb from limb to the cheers of the mainstream media is hardly a position of power. 

1 comment:

  1. jason did a good job, considering the media demonization of white rights advocates...I enjoyed what video I was able to find of the event


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