Thursday 9 August 2018


Kidder in her prime (actually not that hot)
Celebs are back on suicide watch after it was revealed that actress Margot Kidder -- best known for playing Lois Lane in the Christopher Reeve Superman movies -- topped herself. Kidder died in May this year, but her suicide was hushed up. Her manager, Camilla Fluxman Pines, even said she had "died peacefully in her sleep."

But now it appears that Kidder purposely took her own life due to depression even though she was only 69 and still working as a relatively well-known actress, with manageable health problems. As late as 2017 she was even doing small roles in films and television work.

As reported by the Guardian:

A statement released on Wednesday by the Park county coroner Richard Wood said the star died from a self-inflicted drug and alcohol overdose, and no further details would be released.

McGuane [Kidder's daughter] urged people with mental illness to seek help. “It’s a very unique sort of grief and pain,” McGuane said. “Knowing how many families in this state go through this, I wish that I could reach out to each one of them.”

Kidder dealt with mental illness for much of her life, while a 1990 car accident left her in debt and needing a wheelchair for almost two years.

Kidder and Reeve starred in four Superman movies between 1978 and 1987. She also appeared in The Great Waldo Pepper with Robert Redford in 1975, Brian De Palma’s Sisters in 1973 and The Amityville Horror in 1979.

One problem that celebs have is that they tend to be Leftist bug people. Both fashion designer Kate Spade and foodie Anthony Bourdain, who did away with themselves in June, were known Lefties with little grounding in religion or tradition. The same pattern is also clear in Margot Kidder's descent into despair.

As her career slowed down with her fading looks, Kidder tried to find meaning increasingly in Leftist political activism. In 2011 she was arrested in a Washington DC protest over the proposed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada’s oil sands. She was also a big supporter of mad leftist senator Bernie Sanders, despite his enormous support from the military industrial complex.

Bernie was her Superman
In my wide experience, becoming a Leftist is a sure sign of mental illness and potential suicide. While some Left-wingers choose to kill just themselves, others Lefties try to commit suicide collectively by destroying their societies. Obviously the first kind is far preferable to the second. But if you have any Left-wing friends, please ensure they get medical help as soon as possible.


  1. "...her fading looks..." = going from bad to worse.

    1. LOL, necrophiliac white knighting.


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