Thursday 9 August 2018


Gab, which sells itself as a "free speech" alternative to Twitter, has been forced to take down two posts by failed U.S. Senate candidate Patrick Little, after the erstwhile politician posted comments on the social media platform that were clearly designed to get Gab deplatformed by its web hosting service Microsoft Azure.

Because of his increasingly outlandish anti-Semitism, which goes well beyond legitimate criticism of Jewish power and influence in U.S. politics, many now assume that Little is just some kind of Deep State plant, sent to toxify White nationalism rather in the same way that people like (((Andrew Anglin))) and (((TRS))) have done. 

His posts certainly indicate that. In the first one he talked about raising Jews as livestock in order to ritually torture them to death:

This was followed by a threat from Little to do actual damage to Holocaust memorials: 

In what looks like a coordinated operation, these posts led to Microsoft Azure demanding Gab remove the posts within 48 hours, creating a clash with Gab's main selling point -- its supposed "total" commitment to free speech. 

Unable to change hosting services at such short notice, Andrew Torba the CEO of Gab was forced to remove Little's posts. He explained his decision in a Gab post:

Here is the reality. One of @Patrick_little’s posts unquestionably breaks our user guidelines—and probably US law. The other is offensive and edgy and something we obviously don’t agree with, but there is much worse on Twitter/Facebook/Reddit about white people that is allowed to stay.

This is a very serious situation. We need to make real decisions that impact the hundreds of thousands of users on this site and our shareholders, customers, etc. It’s not a game.

Patrick stated multiple times today that he was going to delete the posts himself.

Now he is playing games. He is not a man of his word, so we took action and removed both posts. We had no choice.

We are actively looking into other hosting providers and our longterm goal is building our own infrastructure. Both of these will take time. Time we do not have under Microsoft’s 48 hour game.

We believe this was the best decision for the longevity of the platform and the war against Silicon Valley. 

It is not clear yet whether this decision will undermine Gab's business model or not. In the wake of the continuing crackdown on free speech by Big Tech, Gab is seen by many as an alternative to Twitter, although some critics point out the site's shortcomings.

As for Patrick Little, people like him exist for one reason and one reason alone -- to make censorship acceptable to the masses, a power that is then misused to also shut off legitimate debate on difficult but vital topics, including mass immigration, multiculturalism, globalism, the power of elites, and wars fought for the interests of other countries. 

In the past the Alt-Right has been completely naive and blind to this tactic by the globalists and the Left, so much so that this autistic blindness is now one of the defining characteristics of the Alt-Right. In the Dissident Right only the Affirmative Right seems to be fully aware of this problem and is evolving solutions.

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