Thursday 9 August 2018


Social media has operated under the pretence of being a "free and fair  medium" of ideas and self expression that doesn't need any regulation whatsoever...M'kay?  

But now that premise is looking like a complete absurdity in the aftermath of the sudden, co-ordinated banning of Alex Jones’s InfoWars from several key social media platforms, namely YouTube,  iTunes,  Facebook,  Spotify,  Stitcher,  LinkedIn,  and Pinterest. 

Since them we have seen several libertarian accounts also purged as well as Black Conservative Candace Owens who managed to get her account shut down (temporarily) simply by repeating the Tweets of New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong but with the term "White Man" replaced by "Black Woman" -- a powerful demonstration of the double standard again men and White people.

In short, what we are witnessing in the last few days is social media becoming Socialist Media, with electronic gulags, where right-wing and Conservative accounts are shadow banned and starved to death in Holodomor-like social media conditions, and virtual quicklime pits, where they are dealt with more drastically, as in the case of Alex Jones whose electronic persona has been basically shot in the back of the head and then airbrushed out of history.

What is more disturbing, however, is the fact that there has been relatively little push back, especially from those in power who can be expected to suffer from the swing towards radical Leftism in Social Media. The most obvious case is Donald Trump himself. 

What Big Tech is doing now is an obvious anti-trust case. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Paypal dominate their sectors as actual state-supported monopolies -- all of them have received grants and tax cuts in the past. Also, there are no viable alternatives to their services. In our electronic age, being deplatformed from them is the equivalent to having the water or electricity cut off from your house, or not being allowed to use the roads. 

In the past, Big Tech, in collusion with the ADL and the SPLC, was able to set precedents for banning people by employing obvious Neo-Nazi trolls like Andrew Anglin to scare soft-free-speech-friendly corporate types and normies into such Orwellian behaviour. Since those precedents were set, we have accordingly seen the definition of "Nazi" and "hate speech" ballooning to include anyone to the right of Trotsky. 

The stupid actions of the Alt-Right have also played a part, especially regarding the events in Charlottesville last year, where, whatever the circumstances, an Alt-Righter ended up driving a car at high speed into a crowd of Leftists. The fact that only one woman died -- and then from a heart attack -- was a miracle. It was also pretty miraculous that no one else was killed that day in events that were clearly orchestrated to create maximum violence and then blame it on the right. 

The purpose of all this was seen in the immediate aftermath when numerous Alt-Right, nationalist, and identitarian sites were shut down in the days following. 

In short, people like Anglin, (((Enoch))), and Spencer have worked tirelessly to toxify legitimate White interests and the broader right-wing so that Big Tech companies can deplatform harmless, small government, anti-war conservatives like Alex Jones "because hate speech" without feeling in any way Orwellian.

When people like Anglin were being used to set the precedent and, last year, when the Alt-Right was blundering into the trap set in Charlottesville, it was pretty hard for Trump to come out and take a strong anti-trust position against Big Tech, as this would inevitably be spun as "Trump supports Naziiiiis!!!" 

But the case with Alex Jones is quite different. As I said above, Jones is merely a small government, anti-war conservative with a colourful way of speaking, really not that different from Trump himself. He is also clearly not a "racist" or indeed "racial" in any way, even by the Left's aberrant definition of this word. This means that if he can be deplatformed, then anyone on the right can be. 

Also, unlike Anglin's troll-Naziism and Spencer's Alt-Rightism, Jones is widely popular with a massive audience. People love Alex Jones. If Trump reacted to this blatant attempt by the Left to reestablish a censorious Leftist-dominated gatekeeper media with hard-hitting anti-trust measures, he would be in a powerful position, and one that would immeasurably strengthen his political position. 

Instead, going by what is on his Twitter stream, he seems mainly interested in petty electoral victories for the GOP, economic "good news" caused by tax cuts and deregulation, and praising the military. 

These are fine and good in their place, but in order to stop the Left he has to wage a very real cultural war against Leftist domination of the media. It is not just Big Media that is fake today, it is also Social Media, which, under the control of Leftist Big Tech, has become "Social(ist) Media."  

1 comment:

  1. yeah, I guess I can see your points here, but in the end, will any of it make any difference? Is anything going to stop mass immigration? No.
    Is anything going to stop the decades-long anti-white propaganda campaign? No.

    So, if immigration and anti-white propaganda continue, then where are we going to be in 10-15 years? We will be in a situation where whites are dispossessed, unemployed, many homeless, being lynched, etc...just as the white south africans are failing to fight back, white americans will not fight back.

    so all these points you make here are....moot?

    and you cannot refute my arguments...


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