Wednesday 30 May 2018


Matt Forney, the well-known e-book author and internet personality, has now ascended to the highest hall of fame by acquiring his very own Groyper, which even has its own Twitter account.

For those normies who may accidentally be reading this, a Groyper is merely a mutation of Pepe the Frog caused by an excess of normie attention. 

Eventually normies will ruin Groyper too, but Groyper has additional defences that Pepe didn't have. For example he is "cozy" and likes tea. This confuses normies as they have been brainwashed by their shit-tier culture to think that tea and coziness are uncool. 

To prove this, here is a normie-generated meme of Pepe actually twerking ffS!

While Pepe is actually a bit cute, Groyper is somewhat shapeless and a bit creepy. That's the way it should be -- normie resistant.

Until those defences are broken down, Groypers will remain the ultimate symbol of true coolness, and getting one's own Groyper will be the ultimate accolade. 

Some might argue that Formey does not deserve to be Groypered, but Matt himself is actually a "human Goryper," someone who is so cool precisely because he is so fucking uncool, and thus comparatively free from normie infestation. In fact, going by the eternal principles of Groyperdom, Matt Forney is the ultimate Groyper, and the incarnation of the World Groyperdonian Spirit. 

This is immediately evident if you compare his Groyper with some of the other eminent people to be Groypered. 

First of all some people simply can't be Groypered. Look at this pathetic attempt to Groyper failed Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer:

Because of his depressingly symmetrical "feeeetures" Spencer will forever be consigned to the Normie-sphere.

Other people simply are not iconic enough to be Groypered, Paul Nehlen for example. They can't survive going full "anime":

An attempt to Groyper Eli Mosley worked OK but was a little try-hard imho:

Historical figures, like General Pinochet, sometimes work, but to be honest this image has a disturbingly high amount of normie appeal and will have to be watched carefully:

A true Groyper should have something indefinable and repellent in it. This is why this ISIS-Dylan Roof Groyper works almost as well as the Matt Forney Groyper, but not quite:

There is no question in my mind, the Matt Forney Groyper is the perfect Groyper and could even prove to be the final line of defence against the creeping tide of normie-ization which can be seen developing in this disturbingly anti-cozy meme:

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