Thursday 31 May 2018


Tory Prime Minister Theresa May showing her face at an important Jewish function.
The Tory Party -- sometimes nicknamed the "Torah Party" because of its links to the Jews -- has reaffirmed its ties with that community by appointing Israeli-born donor Ehud Sheleg as the party's new Treasurer. 

Sheleg, who is a noted art collector and director of the Halcyon Gallery in London's Mayfair, is expected to be confirmed as the Party's main fundraiser within days.

His relationship with Britain's ruling Tory party goes back to January 2017, when he personally donated £50,000, followed by an additional £500,000 in May, just ahead of the UK General Election.

In that election, Prime Minister Theresa May's Party lost its majority but still retained power with the help of the Democratic Unionist Party, and, some say, the Jewish vote,

In a poll taken just before the election, 77% of Britain's Jews said they would back the Conservatives, with only 13% saying they would vote for Labour. This is the polar opposite to the way that Jews vote in the USA, where most vote for the Leftist Democrats.

Sheleg will replace Sir Mick Davis, who has been serving as the party's CEO and Treasurer. Davis, who is also Jewish, will continue in the role of CEO while Sheleg deals with the fund-raising duties of Treasurer. 

While the "Torah" Party is the party of choice for Britain's small and shrinking Jewish community (pop. 269,568), Britain's large and rising Muslim community (pop. 3 million plus), voted overwhelmingly  for Labour in the last election, with around 80% of British Muslims supporting the party.

Donations or votes? Now there's a real headscratcher for Britain's politicians.

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