Tuesday 29 May 2018


There has been yet another Muslim terrorist attack in Belgium. This time.... 

Sorry, my fingers just fell asleep on the keyboard... This is so fucking boring. I mean this is exactly the same old shit as X-number of weeks/months ago. 

Nobody cared then and nobody gives a flying fuck now. 


Look, nothing changed then and nothing will change now, or the next few hundred/thousand/ million times this will happen in the future.

Really, a couple of dead lady cops? Is that all they've got? 

I need at least 20+ dead to get out of bed for an "Allah akbar" story. I mean I really need to be pumped up in order to clear the thick layer of dust off my "thoughts and prayers" and "this must be the last time" cliches.

Three dead -- four if you count the kebab. Honestly I can't even be bothered. 

Even the images are crap. I'm using the so-called "best" one at the top of the page -- the soulful pose of the grim professional reduced to tears, LOL! WHAT A F**KING CLICHE!  But even that's pretty boring.

Not as bad as this one, though, which just shows a badly parked van:

Or this one:

Yes, just a bunch of idiots standing around waiting to be told what to do because they don't f**king have a clue. 

I think that tells you everything you need to know.

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