Tuesday 29 May 2018


Another ham-fisted arrest by the UK Stassi

After a week that saw Tommy Robinson jailed for innocently reporting on a Muslim rape gang trial and a man arrested for impersonating a police officer merely by wearing a pig mask, it is now apparent that the UK's chief export is no longer engine parts or bottles of Worcester Sauce, but instead depressing news stories illustrating anarcho-tyranny. 

The stories range from items about men arrested for being in possession of bacon sandwiches dying in prison and articles about returning ISIS fighters being reintegrated into British society, to make-up advice for acid attack victims and reports on how "racist" it is to clamp down on rampant knife crime.

To the uninformed outsider, it may seem that such a pernicious export would be harmful to the UK economy. But the big surge in anarcho-tyranny stories emanating from the UK is in fact a major driver of investment into the country, even if the money it attracts is mainly from drug gangs,  people smugglers, Russian mafia, and Islamic potentates looking to set up a future caliphate.

Both of these men are impersonating police officers.

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