Sunday 3 April 2022


Exhibit A: Russian couple sporting the "Z" logo T-shirt. They think they're pretty cool. Maybe they are. Who knows?

Exhibit B: Dead Ukrainian cyclist, apparently just gunned down for shits and giggles, probably by some semi-trained cannon fodder from Dagestan, Tatarstan, or Siberia. Many of the invading soldiers are just inexperienced rustics and ethnics

Exhibit C: Most of the Russian metropolitan youth are just like kids in the West. They want to get "likes" and "thumbs up" on social media for shots like this, and doing what's considered "trendy." Nice reservoir!

Exhibit D: More dead Ukrainian civilians littering the streets of Bucha near Kiev. Their killers didn't think the evidence of their crimes was going to be found quite so soon.

Exhibit E: Cool "Z" shirt. This is definitely going on all her social media profiles. She is probably using a VPN so that she can even get it onto Facebook, as well as VKontakte. Those Facebook "likes" are gonna taste extra sweet.

Exhibit F: The headman of a Ukrainian village and his family shot and dumped like garbage in a sandpit. Maybe saying "Fuck Putin and his Z-invasion" wasn't such a good idea, or maybe they didn't say anything at all.

Exhibit G: All her friends are doing it, so of course she has to do it too. That's what being a chick means. Nobody really knows what's going on in the Ukraine, but she guesses they are "winning" and doing "the right thing."

Exhibit H: Not really sure if torturing and murdering civilians, and then dumping them down drains like this is "the right thing." Also, we wouldn't know about much of this if they were actually winning, would we?

Exhibit I: Even this Russian "holy father" wants in on the act. Unfortunately he just looks like he's repairing a broken car window. 

Exhibit J: More dead Ukrainian civilians. Obviously shot in cold blood. Notice the hands tied behind the back of the victim nearest the camera. Maybe they would still be alive today if they had pre-ordered the T-shirt.


  1. Chinese War Correspondent4 April 2022 at 06:39

    Your alphabetized exhibits can be explained. In the meantime, why not comment about these hog-tied captured Russian soldiers being beaten, tortured, and shot by these Ukrainian war criminals, as shown here:

    And now to your alphabetized Ukrainian photos:

    B: Bicyclist shot shortly after planting roadside I.E.D.

    D: Civilian partisans shot after attacking Russian convoy as they fled

    F: More Ukrainian partisans eliminated as they attempted to plant roadside bombs in a sandpit where a Russian convoy was passing by

    H: Skulking Ukrainian terrorist lurking in his secret lair that Russian forces discovered and neutralized.

    J: More Ukrainian terrorists who were killed while attempting to escape captivity after being caught tossing Molotov cocktails at Russian tanks. (note the bottle filled with incendiary liquid lying halfway between the
    two dead Ukrainian terrorists.

  2. You have Zero evidence for anything you are saying in your "comment." I guess that's the meaning of the "Z" logo - Z for ZERO evidence for Putin's propaganda bullshit!

    That leg shooting video is flakey as fuck. Wouldn't be surprised if it's just more Putin Black ops.

    Also, what kind of moron plants a bomb in a sandpit? Don't you know it greatly lessens the explosive power? Looks like you're a total fake as well.


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