Friday 25 March 2022



In recent weeks and months, Alt-Right accounts on social media have been spreading this "meme" which pretends to be artwork for an article promoting anti-White hatred. The purpose of the meme is clearly to spread hatred of Jews. Note the White Jewish man siding with the brown people under a headline that reads "Having white Children is Perpetuating white Supremacy." The fake article is then attributed to two noticeably but not obviously Jewish names -- Brian Levitt and Sarah Segal.

The message this is intended to send out is that the Jews want to destroy White families and replace Whites with brown people. This is clearly intended to promote hatred against Jews. 

But of course the whole thing is fake and is typical of the kind of crap the Alt-Right and Russian black ops pump out in order to stir up social and racial division. Search results reveal no such article, while image searches reveal variations on the meme like this:  
The actual image used in this fake article image comes from this website, and has been slightly altered to achieve its racist effect. The original shows mainly White people without any obvious Jew present. In the meme image 5 of the figures have been darkened and a skull cap has been added: 

What we see here is a case of "inclusive" imagery altered to give it an exclusionary message aimed at White people to provoke paranoia, fear, and hatred. In other words, the intent of the meme is to trick, manipulate, and control you, or to treat you like contemptible scum. Yes, these people must really be on your side, mustn't they. 


  1. Jews run the porn industry

  2. There are plenty of real articles like this often by jewish writers. No need to make them up, even when intended as a funny meme. It only weakens our position.


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